Lindsay Lohan's new bestie is making headlines. The troubled actress has been getting a lot of attention for hanging out with billionaire Korean bodybuilder Je-Yong Ha...
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They are reportedly not dating.
Filed Under: General Sports
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Muahahaha86 months
He is way to muscular. She is not even remotely attractive. If he is a billionaire, he could do much better than her.
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Fearless_and_True86 months
He got some bad juice.. isn't even cut
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Josh Fenderman86 months
He's cultivating mass
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ThaKaptin86 months
not dating... They didnt say anything about him beating that hole out like a sarlacc pit though. You know he's tearing that shite up lol
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ThaKaptin86 months
not dating... They didnt say anything about him beating that hole out like a sarlacc pit though. You know he's tearing that shite up lol
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Gumbo186 months
Put this guy in a blue suit and mask and he would look like The Tick.
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BAMAneck86 months
The juice is loose
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Hangit86 months
A perfect addition to her whole cartoon life.
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Gumbo186 months
Not technically steroids but certainly doing something like synthol... Think filler where there is little muscle. Dude does not have a tone and lean face for a hardcore bodybuilder. Money can buy look-alike muscles I guess but he will be regretting it and getting surgery for all the side effects later in life. If I were a billionaire, I certainly could hit better than Fire Bush even if I were not in Adonis shape. Also, Fire Bush is doing anything to get attention now.
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ThaKaptin86 months
doesnt really look like synthol to me. Looks like he's building mass at the moment and just hasnt cut it yet. Probably mid cycle and just putting on as much mass as possible, which leads to higher BFI, which causes the round look since theres a layer of fat on top but then you cut up once the cycle is over. With that said, he could be balooning it like you say but it just doesnt look right for it to me.
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buzwa86 months
.. That's not two periods. That's the actual size of his balls due to the insane amount of roids he's on.
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Godfather186 months
So is she done with her Muslim phase?
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ThaFreakyRobber86 months
I don't care what yall say, Lindsay Lohan can get it!!!
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Amazing Moves86 months
She looks weathered.
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Gatorbait200886 months
That is an insane amount of steroids.
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MountainCat86 months
I’d still dick her down
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TFH86 months
Looks like he skipped pec day. Or something’s fishy(besides Lohan’s crotch)
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BestBanker86 months
Where's her burka?
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KYINYOI86 months
Wonder if that Trash Bag is going to start speaking with a ridiculous Korean Accent now?
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Skinny86 months
Shrunken head guy from Beetlejuice and used up Jessica Rabbit. Future Tim Burton film?
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VagueMessage86 months
My God this is possibly the greatest comment on this website.
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KYINYOI86 months
Wonder if he’ll instantly explode from his Synthol and the Hep C that she’ll give
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Datbayoubengal86 months
Lindsay looks as rough as she did when she went through all that shite years back. At least Brittany Spears corrected herself, while Lohan just went through the guardrail.
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