One person missing from Tom Brady's Netflix roast on Sunday evening was Eli Manning. He made up for it with this great response...
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Filed Under: NFL
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Koach K9 months
WWE is more interesting than this.
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Sevensblue9 months
That’s a bad man
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SoFla Tideroller9 months
Has there been any pro athlete who has changed his image more from when he hit the scene than Eli? He was known as mostly a socially awkward bumpkin when he first came to the Giants. Now he's a witty jokester.
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cajunmud9 months
Or did the MSM just want us to think of him this way to give Peyton all the attention? IDK.
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cajunmud9 months
Or did the MSM just want us to think of him this way to give Peyton all the attention? IDK.
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Morpheus9 months
His image is a two time Super Bowl champ over the great Tom Brady but still and always will be a total goofball. Nice guy and all just is.
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SomeLSUguy9 months
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RazzleDazzle9 months
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