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Dick's Sporting Goods stock tanked on Tuesday morning, dropping a staggering 19% in premarket trade...

The company recently revealed to shareholders that it missed consensus for its second quarter profit while also seeing a decline in sales.

CEO Lauren Hobart referenced "the impact of elevated inventory shrink," an issue she says is taking a toll on many retailers.

Inventory shrink can included damaged goods, but in most cases it refers to shoplifting. Multiple retailers have been affected by coordinated shoplifting, including Walmart and Target.

The retailers say they believe the root of this issue is organized crime and that the losses they experience from said shoplifting can be measured in billions of dollars.
(The Spun)

Filed Under: General Sports
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cajunmud13 months
Good! THE worst company on earth. Worse that AT&T.

I bought a bike from them 5 or 6 yrs ago that came damaged. It took me 1 solid year to get them to make it right. It was organized alright, organized denial by every worthless fck that works there...from the bottom to the top. Not a more deserving bankruptcy candidate!
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6R1213 months
Some company will get aggressive with either Taser or letting a big ole "used to be" lineman get to block them from leaving.
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weptiger13 months
I quit shopping at Dicks years ago after they went woke.
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lsusteve113 months
"retailers say they believe the root of this issue is organized crime" Yeah, ok Quit catering to these criminals & start protecting your assets.
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DeafVallyBatnR13 months
They went woke before woke was a thing. Stopped selling guns.
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Mr Gardocki13 months
wokey woke = brokey broke
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jbird713 months
Another win for the “Progressives”
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CaptainsWafer13 months
You hate to see it.
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GeauxTigers010713 months
Karma? One would hope so...
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Sandy Giner13 months
Get woke, go broke
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WhoDatNC13 months
Good. They've been ripping off customers for years.
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jrobic413 months
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CanebreakCajun13 months
F these commies.
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OlDirtyTiger713 months
Never heard of shoplifting being referred to as "organized crime" before, lmao
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FreddieMac13 months
These are not poor people trying to survive. They are organized gangs sponsored by thr mafia.
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financetiger3813 months
They could’ve just called them democrat voters
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Dingeaux13 months
" elevated inventory shrink"
Good God, just call it what it is. Quit beating around the bush. Talk about the elephant in the room
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TheOcean13 months
That's a kick in the dick
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KAGTASTIC13 months
Couldn't happen to a better company. Frick'em....bend the knee...get hoe slapped
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CAD703X13 months
"organized crime" lol. its the italians i tell ya!
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holmesbr13 months
Before long they will just give the truck driver an envelope with cash and take the truck. Probably easier anyway.
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