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Any rock musician ruined their look faster than Anthony Kiedas? :nohomo:
Posted on 1/15/25 at 6:32 pm
Posted on 1/15/25 at 6:32 pm
Why would he cut his hair??
1980s and 1990s Kiedis
2000s Kiedis

1980s and 1990s Kiedis

2000s Kiedis

Posted on 1/15/25 at 6:45 pm to CAD703X
He looks like he just got done delivering somebody’s pizza.

Posted on 1/15/25 at 6:55 pm to KirbySmartass
Billy Squier

This post was edited on 1/15/25 at 6:57 pm
Posted on 1/15/25 at 7:45 pm to CAD703X
You’re also posting pictures of the guy taken 30 years apart. That’s way more of an issue than a haircut. You compare how anyone looks at 25 and 55, it ain’t gonna be good.
Posted on 1/15/25 at 9:14 pm to CAD703X
Axl was looking pretty rough for a while there

Posted on 1/16/25 at 7:16 am to CAD703X
Perry Farrell looks like a weeks-from-death Freddie Mercury now.
Posted on 1/16/25 at 11:07 am to CAD703X
Kiedis is 62 years old. Not many 60+ year olds look all that great with long hair.
Posted on 1/16/25 at 11:17 am to John Casey
quote:as opposed to that bowl cut and pornstache?
Kiedis is 62 years old. Not many 60+ year olds look all that great with long hair.

Posted on 1/16/25 at 11:23 am to CAD703X
as opposed to that bowl cut and pornstache?
Less hair to keep dyed and looking black, lol.
Posted on 1/16/25 at 1:03 pm to John Casey
Kiedis is 62 years old. Not many 60+ year olds look all that great with long hair.
I'm not a fan of his current haircut and stache, but besides that, he is in better shape today than his previous drug addicted self in his 20's.
Posted on 1/16/25 at 4:28 pm to A12 Oxcart
Perry Farrell looks really weird because he got a nose job. The guy used to have a huge schnozz, then he got Mitt Romney's nose a few years ago and it looks strange. It's kinda like if you had a huge tree in your yard, then you cut it down and replaced it with a smaller tree
Posted on 1/17/25 at 6:40 am to timbo
Perry Farrell looks really weird because he got a nose job. The guy used to have a huge schnozz, then he got Mitt Romney's nose a few years ago and it looks strange. It's kinda like if you had a huge tree in your yard, then you cut it down and replaced it with a smaller tree
OK, but the fillers and funeral home makeup don't help.
Posted on 1/17/25 at 9:03 am to CAD703X
I’m guessing he grew the pedo stache after the Catholic school girl thing
Posted on 1/17/25 at 9:04 am to CAD703X
News flash. You don’t look as good at 60 as you do 25-35.
Posted on 1/17/25 at 11:37 am to St Augustine
quote:jokes on you; i didnt look good at 25 either
News flash. You don’t look as good at 60 as you do 25-35.

i appreciate billy idol

although he does have that john kreese thing going on...
Posted on 1/18/25 at 1:17 pm to CAD703X
Sebastian Bach comes to mind real fast. Dude looks weird af nowadays.
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