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re: AC/DC tour?

Posted by Brosef Stalin on 2/6/25 at 11:03 pm
They're touring Europe this summer

and I think it’s pretty strange that Sharon is taking the picture rather than Ozzy.

Its not strange at all if you know the type of person Sharon is. Plus Ozzy can't stand up straight and can barely walk.
I don't know about 16 nights in a row but as far as who could sellout multiple nights WWE for sure.
I mainly wanted to see Swerve vs Ricochet. I kinda like this new heel gimmick Ricky is doing. This match will probably be on the next ppv too.
Is this show worth watching? I felt like sleeping instead. I'll watch it tomorrow.
Trump tried this in his first term and the courts stopped it. They won't allow this either
Ozzy's in worse shape than Joe Biden these days. Can't imagine he's gonna actually sing

That is a joke, right?

It obviously is. I am constantly shocked that people here keep falling for these obvious troll jobs.

So Evolve is pre-nxt and NXT is pre-Raw or Smackdown? Where does the other show fall into the timeline? I still think there should be an all women show on TV too.

WWE has a new program to sign indy wrestlers to development deals while they still work the indies so I think Evolve i
they're piping in crowd noise for Charlotte :lol:
he'll be getting his brother in a few months

People want the same old dumb arse story lines.

I don't think this is true. Most people seem upset about Charlotte winning. They're gonna be really pissed if she beats Tiffy. Jey's gonna get a monster pop when he beats Gunther for the title.
Whatever WWE paid for the rights to Yeet has been totally worth it. Crazy what one word can do for a guy's career.
Charlotte celebrated her rumble win by filing for divorce from Andrade. She's trying to catch up to her dad in divorces too.

re: Grammy's are ridiculous.....

Posted by Brosef Stalin on 2/2/25 at 8:20 pm
I'm still not over Jethro Tull winning over Metallica

re: 2025 Royal Rumble

Posted by Brosef Stalin on 2/1/25 at 10:09 pm
She's the new Cena. Charlotte knows she's near the end of her career and wants to break her dad's record