Favorite team:Auburn 
Location:Baja Alabama
Biography:Ostendit futura praeteritis.
Occupation:Confirmed Auburnist
Number of Posts:17680
Registered on:11/5/2009
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[quote]An absolute dogshit football program with a completely hopeless head coach.[/quote]i really want to tell you how wrong you are i really do ...

re: MTV awards…

Posted by FearlessFreep on 9/11/24 at 10:17 pm
[quote]MTV awards[/quote]last time i checked their schedule looked like this: [img]https://external-preview.redd.it/CgHs2Qk2orfC02rYq5qjUHYXzqRIiq9JJ9uSpZmt_3I.png?auto=webp&s=b43fb53e7101b8eee7935b024fba7347f73f13ff[/img]...

re: Kent Austin

Posted by FearlessFreep on 9/11/24 at 10:01 pm
[quote]Wish we could've traded Thorne for Pavia. That kid is fearless[/quote]he also knows how to win in Jordan-Hare as an underdog when was the last time we had a QB who could do that? ...

re: Bowl projections by CBS

Posted by FearlessFreep on 9/11/24 at 9:56 pm
one question - why are all the teams that bailed on the PAC12 still listed as bowl reps for that conference? i.e., Holiday Bowl - SMU vs UWash is listed as an “ACC/PAC12” matchup why is SMU’s new conference affiliation in play but the Huskies’ isnt? ...
[quote]We lost by one TD and had 5 turnovers, and a myriad of strange plays that resulted in stalled drives such as rhe fumble spiked pass. [/quote]the overwhelming majority of the turnovers came late in the game as we were trying desperately to make something happen we opened with a 75 yard sco...
[quote]We are bottom half in the SEC.... You can lie all day they don't become truth[/quote]we just got horsewhipped by a team in the bottom half of the ACC - at home according to 247 we have less talent than 4 teams on our schedule - which means we should expect to at least be competitive in th...
[quote]You obviously speak as someone who is not old enough to remember the Doug Barfield era.[/quote]i’m old enough this is worse because in the Barfield era we were expected to be mediocre plus we paid him annually about what Freezus earns every 4 days ...
[quote]you would think with a good Freeze class we’d have to be a little better than last year? Wouldn’t we? But we go out and look worse against a Cal team we found a way to beat last year.[/quote]we looked awful last year against Cal, we were just lucky they were a little worse they improved...
[quote]Dad a tenured law professor at Stanford and mom a Brahmin[/quote]FIFY...
[quote]Blue Bell has a plant there[/quote]expect something like this in the not too distant future: [embed]https://youtu.be/Vj1RasMu5no?si=mMasZIJCRt7YifXF[/embed]...
[quote]The Immigration and Nationality Act of 1965 guaranteed the current trajectory.[/quote]and the Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986 accelerated it corruption and political persecution are only possible when the majority of the population come from places where such things are conside...
[quote]We have always had periods of high corruption that leads to lower levels of corruption. We have had swings to the left flirting with communism and swings back to the right. There have been many instances in the past of politically motivated prosecutions (never of a presidential candidates) an...
never had any said he would be a stupid, lazy hire back in 2022 when he was riding high after beating Arky and had Liberty ranked, knew he was fools gold then if anything my opinion of his ability to ever succeed at AU has diminished below my lowest expectations i’m sure he’s great with ...

re: Freeze press conference

Posted by FearlessFreep on 9/9/24 at 1:50 pm
[quote]Harsin is such a ****.....take your 15 mil and GTFA[/quote]to be fair, the gut maybe an a-hole and a lousy HC, but he’s probably earned the right to gloat over our monumental program-defining mistakes makes him a lousy human being as well, but i can’t say i blame him of course it decr...
[quote]RHCPeppers when flea put a sok on his cok at a concert and played flawlessly with a white sock jumping around behind his guitar.[/quote]not even the most ridiculous thing they ever did [embed]https://youtu.be/aoUqSPQQuW4?si=xZl2i_6SA9Zw20cT[/embed]...

re: Who called plays yesterday?

Posted by FearlessFreep on 9/8/24 at 10:31 pm
[quote]You could argue freeze left him with talent[/quote]perhaps you could definitely argue that he’s already done more with it than Freezus would have ...

re: Who called plays yesterday?

Posted by FearlessFreep on 9/8/24 at 9:45 pm
[quote]But Freeze, himself, should be particularly concerned. In his past 16 games vs. FBS competition -- a span dating back to his Liberty tenure -- he's just 5-11 with two home losses to New Mexico State and an offense that has averaged less than 24 points per game [/quote]fReEzUs iS aN oFfEnSiVe...

September 8, 1977

Posted by FearlessFreep on 9/8/24 at 5:55 pm
in case you’re wondering why this date seems familiar: [embed]https://youtu.be/AV8xQJUpof8?si=LsGSALelGMeEq3PF[/embed] on pretty much every VHS tape (and a lot of DVDs) ever commercially produced ...
[quote]Me and my wife have watched a Vietnamese hooker work a few ole baws over at the baccarat table over the years. She's pretty hot TBH and always dresses like a skank.[/quote]what did the Vietnamese hooker look like ...

re: Game Observations

Posted by FearlessFreep on 9/8/24 at 7:37 am
[quote]I have zero confidence he can coach us on game day now.[/quote] [img]https://media.giphy.com/media/3orieQHmkjxSiLGC08/giphy.gif[/img]...