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New Years Challenge- 60 Days of Conditioning

Posted on 1/2/19 at 4:25 pm
Posted by lsu777
Lake Charles
Member since Jan 2004
31803 posts
Posted on 1/2/19 at 4:25 pm
Alright guys, since lots of guys/gals are going to be coming onto the board looking for advice I figured I would throw out two challenges for the board to follow for 60 days. These are aimed at fat loss primarily with strength second. They are based on Jim Wendler's 30 day conditioning challege and Greyskulls use of bodyweight movements and layering. Also somewhat on Chad Waterbury's PLP expierements he posted about in the early 2000's.

I ask that you follow this for 60 days and that you post your results in this thread at the end please. If you want to do before and after pictures and measurements, that is even better. Please use this thread for questions, support and for logging purposes. We will officially start the 60 day count down starting next monday 1/7.

The challenge will consist of the following

-Fasted Walking
-Daily Bodyweight work
-hard conditioing and easy conditioning.

This is the workout for those new to lifting-


This will be done daily. Can be done anytime however you want, all that matters is total reps (exception is burpees, they are done in one set if possible).

Start at 1 rep for each exercise per day and add a rep to each exercise every day for 60 days. So on day 1 you will do 1 rep of the following, day 60 you will do 60 reps of each. You are more than welcome to do more until day 20, but do not over do it. After day 20, stick to the plan.

1.Pushup- elbows in, chest touches floor.

2.Chin up- full dead hang, no kipping.

3.Burpees- this a done without the pushup and in one set. Chest must touch the ground and feet must leave the ground with hands above the head for the rep to count. This is done so each rep is completed within 3 seconds. I.E. a set of 20 is done in 60s or less. If you fail at to keep this pace at any time, stop the set. You can break the total reps up however many sets as needed, but the goal is to be able to complete all the reps in one set. It will be easy at first but by day 60 will not be that easy.

4.Sit-ups- full sit-ups

5.Lunges- needs to be done per leg. So 3 reps would be 3 lunges with the right leg and 3 with the left. This is a walking lunge, step out to go all the way out.


Will be done daily. Must be hard conditioning at least twice weekly, can be easy conditioning the other days.

Hard conditioning should leave you gasping for air and last no more than 15 min, preferably performed after lifting days.

Easy conditioning is just something done to get the blood flowing and breathing up, should be between 30-60 min.

Examples of easy conditioning (this is just examples)-
• fasted walking at least 30 min
• bike riding
• rowing
• treadmill
• running

Examples of Hard conditioning-
• sprinting
• any form of HIIT
• heavy bag work
• greyskull approved condtioning
• prowler work/sled work

going to be using a simple 2 day a week lifting template using the Greyskull lp rules (2x5, 1x as many reps as possible) plus Greyskull progressions of +2.5lbs on upper body, +5lbs on lower body. Keeping it simple, see the greyskull thread if you want more details.

Day 1-
• Bench- 2x5, 1x5+
• Squat- 2x5, 1x5+
• Skull crushers tricep ext- 2x 10-12
• Dumbbell Curl- 2x 10-12

Day 2-
• Press- 2x5, 1x5+
• Deadlift- 1x5+
• Close Grip Bench- 2x 10-12
• EZ Bar Curl- 2x 10-12

This is primarily designed for fat loss. We will be using Intermittent Fasting as our main means of caloric control and macro timing. We will not be weighing or measuring, simply using fist, palms and thumbs to measure.

Meal 1- 2 palms size portion of fattier protein and fist of green veggies
Meal 2- 2 palms size portion of fattier protein and fist of green veggies
Meal 3- 3 palm size portions of lean mean and a fist size portion of carbs

This would look something like this

Meal 1- 12pm- 2 portions of flank steak and green beans.
Meal 2- 5pm- 1.5 chicken thighs with asparagus
Meal 3- 7pm- 2 chicken breast and a fist size portion of rice.

More then welcome to add up to 2 thumb size portions of ketchup or steak sauce to each meal.

Only other items we do is on lifting days, we have a 75g whey protein isolate shake after lifting if your goal is to add muscle at the same time. This is only on lifting days.

This is as simple as it gets. You can combine the last 2 meals if you would like. Only rules are the only meal with carbs is the last meal and you can eat for a maximum of an 8 hour window.

Posted by lsu777
Lake Charles
Member since Jan 2004
31803 posts
Posted on 1/2/19 at 4:31 pm to
For those already used to working out and lifting, we are going to change it up a little, here is the run down. Still doing 60 days conditioning and body weight.

• Fasted walking- 180 min total for week is the minimum
• Hard conditioning using the intervals as laid out below
• Easy conditioning on off days. (30 min minimum as described above)

Daily Work

Performed daily. On lift days performed as warm up as described.

Warmup for each day-
•Mobility- (or can do agile 8 or limber 11)
o 10 shoulder dislocates with broomstick or bands
o 10 band pull apart
o 10 overhead squats with broomstick working on depth

•Warmup- Warmup is to be performed daily, lifting or not if possible.
o Pushup
o Chin up
o L-Sit on bars or hanging L-raise hold
o Overhead Squat with bar only or lunges if no bar available.
o Burpees- (same pace as above)

We will start with 3 rounds of 4 on each movement except L-Sits. We will add one rep to 1 set every day. L-Sit will be done as the Tuck position and held for seconds starting at 10 seconds per round. We will add 1 second to each round each day. So, day 1 would look like this

Day 1- 3 rounds of-
o Pushup- 4 reps
o Chin up- 4 reps
o L-Sit on bars or hanging L-raise hold- 10 sec hold
o Overhead Squat with bar only or lunges if no bar available. – 4 reps
o Burpees- (same pace as above)- 4 burpees

Day 2- 3 rounds of-
o Pushup- 5/4/4 reps
o Chin up- 5/4/4 reps
o L-Sit on bars or hanging L-raise hold- 11/11/11 sec hold
o Overhead Squat with bar only or lunges if no bar available. – 5/4/4 reps
o Burpees- (same pace as above)- 5/4/4 burpees

Day 3- 3 rounds of-
o Pushup- 5/5/4 reps
o Chin up- 5/5/4 reps
o L-Sit on bars or hanging L-raise hold- 12/12/12 sec hold
o Overhead Squat with bar only or lunges if no bar available. – 5/5/4 reps
o Burpees- (same pace as above)- 5/5/4 burpees

Day 4- 3 rounds of-
o Pushup- 5/5/5 reps
o Chin up- 5/5/5 reps
o L-Sit on bars or hanging L-raise hold- 13/13/13 sec hold
o Overhead Squat with bar only or lunges if no bar available. – 5/5/5 reps
o Burpees- (same pace as above)- 5/5/5 burpees

Day 5- 3 rounds of-
o Pushup- 6/5/5 reps
o Chin up- 6/5/5 reps
o L-Sit on bars or hanging L-raise hold- 14/14/14 sec hold
o Overhead Squat with bar only or lunges if no bar available. – 6/5/5 reps
o Burpees- (same pace as above)- 6/5/5 burpees

So on and so fourth

It will be pretty simple 4 day template based on the LCI program, mainly because the bodyweight work being layered in. weights are reference weights only, adjust as needed.

Day 1- No rest during circuit
• Squat- 2x5, 1x5+
Circuit- 5 rounds- 5 reps each
• Squats- 95lbs
• Push Press- 75lbs
• Tabata on KB or DB Swings- 53lbs

Day 2- 1:00 rest between rounds on circuit
• Press- 2x5, 1x5+
Circuit- 10 rounds- 5 reps each
• DB Bench- 50lbs
• DB Row- 75lbs
• Tabata Burpees

Day 3-
• Deadlift- 1x5+
Circuit- 5 rounds- 5 reps each- do one rep of each movement back to back without dropping the bar, that is one rep. We want 5 reps per round. 1 min rest between rounds.
• Front Squat
• Push Press
• Thrusters
• Jump Rope- 40 sec on / 20 sec off for 5 min.

Day 4- 1:00 rest between rounds on circuit
• Bench- 2x5, 1x5+
Circuit- 10 rounds- 5 reps each
• Press- 50% of weight from Day 2
• Chins-
• Concept 2 500m row x 4. 1:30 min rest between sets or 100m Sprints with 1:30 rest between sets

This is primarily designed for fat loss. We will be using Intermittent Fasting as our main means of caloric control and macro timing. We will not be tracking other than protein. We want a minimum of 300g protein a day unless you weigh under 150, then use 1.5*BW for g. We will be eating higher protein overall but also a little leaner shooting for about 50g fat daily and about 100g carb daily on lift days, no carbs on non-lift days. We will use palms and fist measurements to achieve this and measure condiments using thumb.

Meal 1- fist sized portion of lean meat, 3 eggs and 4 egg whites. Or 2 fist sized portion of lean meat. Fist sized portion of green veggies, 1 piece of fruit.

Meal 2- 2 fist sized portions of lean meat, 1 fist sized portion of green veggies and 1 piece of fruit.

Snack- 1.5 scoops of whey protein isolate- should be about 40g protein with very little carbs/fat.

Meal 3- 3 fist sized portions of a lean steak cut (I recommend flat iron), 2 fist sized portions of carbs, 1 fist sized portions of green veggies.

Post workout (workout days only)- 2 scoops of whey protein isolate.

Simple as it gets, only rules are the only meal with carbs is the last meal, must get 300g protein on workout days and you can eat for a maximum of an 8 hour window.
Posted by lsu777
Lake Charles
Member since Jan 2004
31803 posts
Posted on 1/2/19 at 8:16 pm to
For those used to doing overhead squat, you can pick a weight you can easily do ten reps with and start there. Everyone else, use just the bar.
Posted by lsu777
Lake Charles
Member since Jan 2004
31803 posts
Posted on 1/2/19 at 9:03 pm to
Forgot to post, for the circuits on the intermediate program start light. Make sure you can go through them at the stated pace. If you can't do that many rounds at first cut them down by half and add a set/round a week.

On the deadlift day circuit, start real light like 65-75 lbs.

And for the circuits improve speed, add reps, rounds or weight weekly. Always striving for improvement and progression.
Posted by AlxTgr
Kyre Banorg
Member since Oct 2003
81961 posts
Posted on 1/2/19 at 9:06 pm to
The chin up part is going to end quickly.
Posted by lsu777
Lake Charles
Member since Jan 2004
31803 posts
Posted on 1/2/19 at 9:30 pm to
You would be surprised. But I will post up what to do when the time comes for that.

For those that can't do that many chins yet, less than 5, they can start with sets of 2.
Posted by Junky
Member since Oct 2005
8421 posts
Posted on 1/2/19 at 9:41 pm to

The chin up part is going to end quickly.

I wish I could get all of it in. Rack got put on hold, but I DL, OHP, rows and love it. I have the 50lbs KB and a 50lbs slam ball and sprints as well. Goal is to gain mass though, so all cardio and cold adaptation is out...Really just DL very hard (for me) and OHP/rows for form, fairly light weight. I'm new to lifting, so I've never participated in the lifting side of this board.
Posted by Rep520
Member since Mar 2018
10476 posts
Posted on 1/2/19 at 9:43 pm to
Yeah, I'm probably just gonna stick to lifting. I hate conditioning so much.

I am trying to regularly work in sprint training to not be such a sedentary desk dweller.

Props and good luck to those trying this, though.
This post was edited on 1/3/19 at 7:47 am
Posted by lsu777
Lake Charles
Member since Jan 2004
31803 posts
Posted on 1/2/19 at 9:43 pm to
I'll try and find you a post I made with all the exercises you can do with just the bar and weight set.
Posted by Junky
Member since Oct 2005
8421 posts
Posted on 1/2/19 at 10:51 pm to
On your drive? I'll look tomorrow. Thanks
Posted by lsu777
Lake Charles
Member since Jan 2004
31803 posts
Posted on 1/3/19 at 8:00 am to
No on another board. I will look this afternoon
Posted by lsu777
Lake Charles
Member since Jan 2004
31803 posts
Posted on 1/3/19 at 6:16 pm to
anybody gonna join me on this?
Posted by Lazy But Talented
Member since Aug 2011
14504 posts
Posted on 1/3/19 at 7:03 pm to
Posted by Mingo Was His NameO
Member since Mar 2016
25455 posts
Posted on 1/3/19 at 7:10 pm to

anybody gonna join me on this?

I'm going to try to start the fasted walking in the mornings and I'm really honing in on my diet. I was going to walk this morning, but it was pouring rain and like 35 degrees so I said screw it.
Posted by lsu777
Lake Charles
Member since Jan 2004
31803 posts
Posted on 1/3/19 at 8:20 pm to
I see you lurking lazy. No need to be scared.

Guys everyone is going to be a different starting point weight and conditioning wise. If you can't do the circuit as laid out, cut the rounds down, rest as needed but realize it's a circuit and supposed to hurt.

But don't be scared to step out of your comfort zone and atleast try. At worst you learn something.

For the chins, if they are gonna be an issue starting at 4, start at 1 or two.

For those that are more advanced, you can move to rest pause sets for the main lift.

If you wanna make a change this is the way to do it. You won't be sorry
This post was edited on 1/3/19 at 8:24 pm
Posted by Lazy But Talented
Member since Aug 2011
14504 posts
Posted on 1/3/19 at 9:04 pm to
Posted by LSUTiger1026
Member since Sep 2017
146 posts
Posted on 1/4/19 at 9:52 am to
Day 1 in the books. I started with the warmup, then the 4/4/4 circuit before the LCI. Worked my way up to Deadlifts at 205 for my 5+ and completed 12 before my cadence started to decline, so I ended it there. Used 75 for the front squat, push press, thruster circuit. Finished off with the 5 min jump rope circuit. It was a great workout. Ready to add some weight to the deadlifts next week. Will complete bench press day later this afternoon.
Posted by lsu777
Lake Charles
Member since Jan 2004
31803 posts
Posted on 1/4/19 at 10:43 am to

Day 1 in the books. I started with the warmup, then the 4/4/4 circuit before the LCI. Worked my way up to Deadlifts at 205 for my 5+ and completed 12 before my cadence started to decline, so I ended it there. Used 75 for the front squat, push press, thruster circuit. Finished off with the 5 min jump rope circuit. It was a great workout. Ready to add some weight to the deadlifts next week. Will complete bench press day later this afternoon.

Damn you jumped right in on everything. Glad to see you joining us.

Most are starting next week.
Posted by Eighteen
Member since Dec 2006
34138 posts
Posted on 1/4/19 at 12:02 pm to
I'm interested. Know I'm going to suck at the pullups for sure, but willing to give it a go.

Questions I have:

Using this, for example


Day 1- No rest during circuit
• Squat- 2x5, 1x5+
Circuit- 5 rounds- 5 reps each
• Squats- 95lbs
• Push Press- 75lbs
• Tabata on KB or DB Swings- 53lbs

How do you determine the starting weight for the lifts (in this case, the squat?). Should I do a max prior to starting and use a certain %?

Can you clarify the difference in the circuit/interval? So you do the circuit, then do the tabata after or are you doing to DB swings tabata in between the squats/push presses?
Posted by boxcarbarney
Above all things, be a man
Member since Jul 2007
22911 posts
Posted on 1/4/19 at 1:43 pm to
Do the circuit by itself, rest 5-10 minutes, then do the interval.
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