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Registered on:10/19/2005
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Did you even read about the Cuban missile crises as a child?...
[quote]Trump lost to Brandon[/quote] But did he really? If anything, the past years have demonstrated that there is no effective way to challenge election results, no matter how outrageous pipe bursting, kicking out opposing party supervisors, covering windows, "delay" vote counting, or, going...

re: Boeing weapons don't work in Ukraine

Posted by Junky on 4/30/24 at 9:38 pm
[quote] Conversely, what are we learning about Russia's EW, GPS etc?[/quote] As much as I hate the spending, we are learning. Now, they aren't using top equipment, but we didn't send Ukraine the best either. The Russian economy is roughly the size of New York. They cannot compete in a non-nuclea...
[quote]Not only that, the bill this stupid fricker let slip through includes over $3 billion to promote bringing Muslims from the Middle East to the US. Johnson needs to hang.[/quote] And $15 million towards EID tagging for livestock. Stupid nonsense. ...
This baw has waited his whole life for this moment. He's about to protect and serve....

re: Palestinian protest at La Tech today.

Posted by Junky on 4/30/24 at 8:47 pm
There aren't even a dozen...
[quote]I find it more than hilarious people accuse Johnson of not being a leader, but Trump of being one. You folks are here because you dont heed warnings. Yall were warned.[/quote] Is it any better than Jeffries? Massive spending is still happening. No border protections, terrible negotiati...
[quote]How did we get to the point to have that vote?[/quote] Mcarthy and his weak leadership ...
[quote]I mean he only got there via overwhelming Democrat support in the first place [/quote] I seem to remember republicans backing Johnson while democrats voted for Jeffries…Jeffries, Jeffries. Did that change? Put the motion in MTG, force Johnson to get saved by the other party. Make it v...
[quote]it is a trap. they want MTG and others to call for a vote so they can vote in Hakeem.[/quote] [img]https://external-content.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=https%3A%2F%2Fmedia1.tenor.com%2Fimages%2Ffd58dd0b053a874fd1f986a2486a4968%2Ftenor.gif%3Fitemid%3D9619874&f=1&nofb=1&ipt=97000bbb1c66a97fe98efea0...
One of trump’s former attorneys was on the Shawn Ryan Show describing exactly that. It’s bullshite, both how they went about shipping the docs and trying to prosecute him over it. ...
[quote]Our fighters clear the skies, the Warthogs knock the enemy force down, the Apaches chip away some more and the Abrams finish them off. We don’t want to fight fair.[/quote] This is a 40-year-old mission set. New tech (drones) has slightly changed the battlefield. Do we really need fighters ...
[quote]It could have been much better. It felt very in a box except for the weird sex scenes that felt incredibly out of place.[/quote] I finally came around to watching it. The story is a good, but lacked. The sex scenes were repugnant and not needed in any way. I found the acting fairly good. A...

re: Feeding dogs raw meat.

Posted by Junky on 4/26/24 at 6:16 pm
You know what, I'm leaving it... Ha...
[quote]I believe they pretty much have admitted this[/quote] It was a stupid move because it’s already a hard job that takes a certain level of situational awareness. You had a nice pipeline that helped mitigate that. Politics comes in and it’s still up to the individual towers to check the contr...
Something is screwed up although I never sued my bankrupted homeowners. I went through liga and they outsourced an adjuster who was extremely helpful. After making contact I think we were done in less than 2 months. I was still using initial money for repairs myself. I was always going to re...

re: Feeding dogs raw meat.

Posted by Junky on 4/25/24 at 9:32 pm
Once adapted they are fine. There is a whole raw dog food community out there. Though the community does incorporate some bone and random vegetable, it’s a very meat heavy diet. We let the dogs clean up the deer or cow carcasses and they are fine. Our inside dog get his crack at a 2-3 day old ...

re: Go Woke Go Broke, Dixie Beer Edition

Posted by Junky on 4/24/24 at 8:03 am
[quote]It's almost like there's a reason there's not a ton of investment in the hood in most cities, and it isn't racism.[/quote] I bought it draft maybe 3 times on old name recognition alone. It wasn’t very good. They changed the name because of BS and that gave me a reason to stay away. Sad...