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re: How to get husband’s generic mounjaro script filled? Compound formula not legal in LA

Posted on 2/28/24 at 8:19 am to
Posted by tiger91
In my own little world
Member since Nov 2005
36764 posts
Posted on 2/28/24 at 8:19 am to
She actually put me on dhea at this point .. I can’t remember her reasoning. But I’m willing to try whatever. At least we’re starting early and not heard into misery.

Been married 32 years .. neither of us is leaving. He’s used to my crazy and he likes my cooking

Thanks so much. So many say people gain weight because they’re lazy or eat too much or whatever. Sometimes it really is not our fault! I for one am working on it.

Appreciate you!
Posted by lsu777
Lake Charles
Member since Jan 2004
31575 posts
Posted on 2/28/24 at 9:18 am to
dhea is another that should be taken. better transdermal or through injection. iconic labs dermacrine is good for this.

should help with energy and sex drive

and yea i mean technically it is from eating too much and being lazy but sometimes there is an underlying reason on why that is. in your case i can almost guarantee your non exercise activity has fallen tremendously from pre menopause levels. unless you are tracking that though, you wouldnt know. you would just see you gaining weight suddenly and being tired and having mood swings and temperature swings

so exactly what happened to you. and glad to hear your marriage is strong. many times if the husband is not 100% committed or the wife isnt willing to work on things or just isnt willing to acknowledge there is a leads to lots of bad outcomes. many many times the man still has the physical desire for intimacy but the women no longer does and refuses to have their hormones checked and they do not understand why the husband is upset all the time and pulling back and no longer has the connection. For most men, without sexual intimacy, the relationship becomes nothing more than two roommates. seen this happen dozens of times with women who become post-menopausal so you should be proud that you have acknowledged there may be an issue and are at least willing to work on it. that's a huge huge thing, like marriage saving. so be proud of that because that takes courage.

as far as the fault with gaining weight...many times those on the OT or even here to an extent are talking pre menopausal women or even men who fail to even walk 4k steps a day, have no distinct eating pattern other than whatever they crave at that point and who do not lift weights. so no exercise and diet consisting of whatever the craving of the moment is....usually leads to really bad outcomes. when we say the person has to take responsibility that is what we are talking about. We are also talking about getting appropriate blood work done.

now i am going to need to start prioritizing protein and you need to start lifting weights. im not talking 50g protein and 3 lbs weights. im talking 100-125g protein and lifting with a progressive plan. I recommend starting with ppsa db strength for you for 4-6 months. starting with almost no weights and only doing the first 3 super sets. the next month add the 4th, so on and so fourth until you can do the program as written with progressively heavier weights.

then move on to grasshopper, then the two glute programs twice each. that will be programming for you for the next year and will put you in a great place both aesthetically, strength wise but also health wise. your husband can start with you.
Posted by berrycajun
Baton Rouge
Member since May 2016
6907 posts
Posted on 2/29/24 at 5:37 am to
Yes, holy wall of Batman or whatever that saying is y’all say (it’s a long post)

Ok so i held my tongue after a few stupid comments because it’s tigerdroppings…
and i came here simply to ask where to buy the stuff. But now I’m annoyed.

I’ll start here— He wears a 35 in pants. No one looks at him and thinks “he’s fat”.

He’s just not where he should be. He’s 217 and was 180 in his prime. (We’ve been married 23 years. Together 26)
and nothing he’s tried over the last 10 years has worked.

I eat almost as much as him and have given birth to 5 children and yeh i gained waaaay too much weight for the first one thinking I’m eating for 2. (you’re NOT!) Got pregnant 4 months after she was born so not much time to lose anything so i was a big mess after number 2 but i lost it eventually. For #s 3, 4, & 5 i said you’re not eating for even one! Last baby was 8 years ago & as of today I’m 113 lbs. I’m 5’4 and i don’t exercise other than walking our dog a few days a week, and I’m in my mid 40s, perimenopause, so yes I’m convinced that there’s a metabolic issue going on with him because i eat almost as much as him, had 5 kids, only walk, am in the middle aged stage of life and I’m not fat. and any time we do something together like Keto for example or the whole 16hr fasting thing, i lose a bunch fast and he loses just a little slowly.

There are no snacks in our house besides olives, oranges, pickles, apples, and cheese. There’s no juice. no soda. Only tea to brew (unsweetened). I buy what I’m going to cook daily/right before I cook it. So there’s no potential for snacking. Yes he has a bourbon and a couple beers. His job is stressful, and supporting a wife and 5 kids & paying private school tuition is too. Maybe knowing you’ll likely die of cancer and half your children probably will too, adds to that stress. Sure if he quit drinking those couple beers and that bourbon he’d lose SOME weight, but not all of what wants to lose.

The phrase “genetic mutation” may sound stupid, but it’s real. I just didn’t want to get into it in my post way back. But since you’re making fun of it ….

It was discovered by Saint Jude’s children’s research hospital in our daughter’s DNA from a splice of a tumor removed from her BRAIN when she was 14. Parents have to be tested to see which one passed it on because it causes all kinds of problems to the carrier - pneumothorax(spontaneous lung collapse), renal cancer/kidney tumors, colorectal cancer, & fibrofolliculomas. Both she and my husband have to get kidney ultra sounds & lung x-rays every few years to check for tumors. Also, there’s a 50/50 chance each one of our children may have it. They are all supposed to be tested at 18. Our 21 year old still hasn’t tested though.

I spent months researching after they were diagnosed — I learned more about mRNA, transcription, introns, exons and mutations than you’d ever want to know. I learned about many of the other 400 families as well, and their symptoms, deaths, etc.

I charted all the variants in introns of the FLCN gene and “symptoms” of those fams to see if fams with same mutations had same symptoms. They did. (makes sense cuz same coding message). But no other families had our variant (a thymine where there’s supposed to be guanine in intron 8 of the tumor suppressing gene, FLCN)

My husband’s parents, siblings, aunts, uncles and cousins haven’t tested. It would make sense to rule in or out older members and go from there, but no one has tested except my husband. His siblings at least should cuz there’s a 50/50 they have it, unless he’s de novo (developed the mutation spontaneously as an embryo/didn’t actually inherit it).

the symptoms typically don’t start until your mid to late 30s at the earliest. So it’s a wait and see for some signings and maybe their parent won’t ever present symptoms or maybe my husband is de novo

OR maybe there’s millions of people walking around with mutations on their FLCN gene, and we don’t know it because no one tests for this unless they already have the combined problems. of the 400 families tested across the globe, they all have MAJOR problems and many deaths. BUT they were tested precisely BECAUSE of their problems….

Onto PCOS. you can google brothers and fathers of women with PCOS. Studies are showing that metabolic disorders run in families. PCOS is passed down from the father’s side. The men in the families of these women tend to have metabolic disorders and insulin resistance just like their sisters and daughters. His mother is the only one who doesn’t struggle with weight. It seems to be his sisters (both diagnosed with PCOS) as well as his brothers and his father. (Only one of our daughters has PCOS, thank goodness.)

Anyway, maybe the mutation has nothing to do with it, maybe it does. mRNA sends messages to cells, and his are getting the wrong message. We don’t know what that message is. We don’t know what his cells are doing.

Insulin resistance, genetic mutation, or in your words, fat alcoholic— either way, I would like to prolong the life of a beloved husband and father of 5 with a little weight loss. I don’t see why anyone should make fun of that? You don’t know him. You don’t know what he does to care for his family. You don’t know how much he works. You don’t know how good of a friend he is. You don’t know that he’s a good moral Godly man.

It’s rather strange to me how on all these forums people 100 and 200lbs overweight get the go ahead, but someone who is 215 but SHOULD be 180 is called a fat lazy alcoholic or is shamed for even considering such a drug as if anyone knows what all he’s tried in the past. We don’t know the history of everyone. & Who cares?!

Suppose someone hasn’t done a damn thing to lose weight? Suppose someone just wants to lose 15lbs and doesn’t have time to go the the gym orsimply doesn’t feel like it? The horror!!! Suppose they don’t care if they lose some muscle?? If a glp-1 helps them lose 15lbs, GREAT!!! As long as they give themselves maintenance doses they’ll be able to keep it off.

The less overweight people the better! Why should we care what their reasons are & what they’ve tried in the past. We should be thrilled they want to lose weight, and there’s finally a way they actually CAN! What’s with all the judgement?

On Reddit i get the impression people feel like they have to pretend they’re fatter than they really are so people won’t judge them for asking about it. You can’t win. You’re either too skinny or you’re a fat lazy alcoholic.
Posted by Uncle JackD
Member since Nov 2007
58669 posts
Posted on 2/29/24 at 5:53 am to
I think you missed the point. I’m pretty sure the criticism came because it sounds like your husband isn’t willing to do the work to improve his health. Taking that expensive shot is just one piece of the puzzle. If he doesn’t have the want, the process will fail. Fact. I’ve seen me do it multiple times.

The following were quotes that prove that he isn’t ready to improve his health. Look, I fricking love my bourbon But I limit it to couple times a week and sure as hell do not mix it with coke. Bourbon & coke + a couple beers = 600 calories a night. Thats 4-5k calories extra per week. Think about that.


He snores at night swallowing his tongue, and it sounds like he’s literally going to choke to death. I know him, though. He won’t wear a CPAP.


He won’t ever stop having 1 bourbon and Coke a night plus 2 beers


But he doesn’t listen. He’d rather starve than quit drinking.
This post was edited on 2/29/24 at 6:06 am
Posted by lsu777
Lake Charles
Member since Jan 2004
31575 posts
Posted on 2/29/24 at 7:17 am to

He’s just not where he should be. He’s 217 and was 180 in his prime. (We’ve been married 23 years. Together 26)
and nothing he’s tried over the last 10 years has worked.

he is 40 lbs overweight, sorry but he is fat, many of us have been there. hell i was 60+ at one time. only reason people didnt think i was fat was because i was surrounded by others fatter than me

its the same in his case. lets just be honest and stop pretending.


Onto PCOS. you can google brothers and fathers of women with PCOS. Studies are showing that metabolic disorders run in families. PCOS is passed down from the father’s side. The men in the families of these women tend to have metabolic disorders and insulin resistance just like their sisters and daughters. His mother is the only one who doesn’t struggle with weight. It seems to be his sisters (both diagnosed with PCOS) as well as his brothers and his father. (Only one of our daughters has PCOS, thank goodness.)

99% of this is complete BS when it comes to gaining weight

but not going to argue with you


It’s rather strange to me how on all these forums people 100 and 200lbs overweight get the go ahead, but someone who is 215 but SHOULD be 180 is called a fat lazy alcoholic or is shamed for even considering such a drug as if anyone knows what all he’s tried in the past. We don’t know the history of everyone. & Who cares?!

he is perfect candidate to use the medicine considering he is an alcoholic.


Suppose someone hasn’t done a damn thing to lose weight? Suppose someone just wants to lose 15lbs and doesn’t have time to go the the gym orsimply doesn’t feel like it? The horror!!! Suppose they don’t care if they lose some muscle?? If a glp-1 helps them lose 15lbs, GREAT!!! As long as they give themselves maintenance doses they’ll be able to keep it off.

everyone has time to go tot he gym. I promise there is nobody busier than me on this board really after work and
im still able to. and you can just workout at home, no need to go to a gym. dont even need that much

but there you go with excuses. the medicine is only going to help so much. just like your husband would rather starve than not be an alcoholic per your own words


Suppose someone hasn’t done a damn thing to lose weight? Suppose someone just wants to lose 15lbs and doesn’t have time to go the the gym orsimply doesn’t feel like it? The horror!!! Suppose they don’t care if they lose some muscle?? If a glp-1 helps them lose 15lbs, GREAT!!! As long as they give themselves maintenance doses they’ll be able to keep it off.

problem is someone that isnt willing to learn how to eat correctly, prioritize protein and exercise is going to require a much higher dose for maintenance which opens him up to more side effects

look lets be honest, you get fat by being lazy AF. we all know it, most on this board have done it at one time or another so lets not pretend like there is some other reasons. Lets not pretend he isnt an alcoholic with severe sleep apnea either and lets not pretend that we dont have time for the gym because thats BS

I highly highly highly encourage him to get on the medicine because it will prolly save his life. he also needs a sleep study asap.

but lets stop pretending as that doesnt help anyone here. just be honest. hell i have posted plenty of bodyfat scans i havent been proud of. just own it. only way to get better

Posted by TheOcean
Member since Aug 2004
42556 posts
Posted on 2/29/24 at 5:28 pm to
XCE. Thanks for the advice. Took my first shot yesterday and holy shite the stuff works. I'm only 10 lbs over my goal weight, but it is a great feeling not eating too much and still feeling full
Posted by Uncle JackD
Member since Nov 2007
58669 posts
Posted on 2/29/24 at 6:32 pm to

XCE. Thanks for the advice. Took my first shot yesterday and holy shite the stuff works. I'm only 10 lbs over my goal weight, but it is a great feeling not eating too much and still feeling full
Awesome. They’ve been rock solid with GLPs lately. You’ll meet that goal in no time.
This post was edited on 2/29/24 at 8:26 pm
Posted by Trout Bandit
Baton Rouge, LA
Member since Dec 2012
13339 posts
Posted on 3/4/24 at 1:06 pm to

look at xce peptides, its 3rd party tested, same with qsc

When I google XCE it only returns Xcel Peptides. Is this the same company??
Posted by YumYum Sauce
Member since Nov 2010
8326 posts
Posted on 3/4/24 at 1:39 pm to

XCE. Thanks for the advice. Took my first shot yesterday and holy shite the stuff works. I'm only 10 lbs over my goal weight, but it is a great feeling not eating too much and still feeling full

which did you order, and did you have to do anythin with it first?
Posted by lsu777
Lake Charles
Member since Jan 2004
31575 posts
Posted on 3/4/24 at 1:41 pm to
no just type in
Posted by lsu777
Lake Charles
Member since Jan 2004
31575 posts
Posted on 3/4/24 at 1:42 pm to
you have to add the basc water to it. you can get that at gpz

just google reconstituting tirz
Posted by TheOcean
Member since Aug 2004
42556 posts
Posted on 3/4/24 at 6:11 pm to

Found a super helpful video on YouTube on how to reconstitute it. I bought the 2.5 mg red caps and then the tiny needles/bac water from amazon. Injected 80 units of bac water into the 2.5 mg tirz, rolled it around gently until it dissolved, then injected 40 units
Posted by LSUlove
Member since Oct 2003
518 posts
Posted on 3/5/24 at 12:15 pm to
Can someone explain how to order the appropriate dosage to me in simple terms?

I am sharing this thread with a friend who currently purchases from a med spa. The cost is getting out of hand, so she is interested in going the XCEPeptides route.

Currently she receives 1ml vials of Semagultide which provides to her roughly 4-20 unit doses. She started out with the same 1ml vial initially and it gave her about 8-10 unit doses, then she went up to 15 units the next vial and is now at 20 units. If she were to purchase the 2mg red cap vial from XCE, how much bac water does she use to reconstitute and how many doses and at what units would she dose? Thanks so much. Trying to compare costs and get a complete understanding.
Posted by lsu777
Lake Charles
Member since Jan 2004
31575 posts
Posted on 3/5/24 at 12:27 pm to
order your bact water from gpzservices

there are a ton of videos on youtube on this


i need to know dose in MG though for me to say exactly how much water to add and how much to draw up. its simple math though.
Posted by Uncle JackD
Member since Nov 2007
58669 posts
Posted on 3/5/24 at 12:58 pm to

Currently she receives 1ml vials of Semagultide which provides to her roughly 4-20 unit doses. She started out with the same 1ml vial initially and it gave her about 8-10 unit doses, then she went up to 15 units the next vial and is now at 20 units. If she were to purchase the 2mg red cap vial from XCE, how much bac water does she use to reconstitute and how many doses and at what units would she dose? Thanks so much. Trying to compare costs and get a complete understanding.
without knowing the medspa vial strength, there’s no way to know what dose you were taking. I hate when they put that shite strictly in units, they just try to dumb it down but people have no fkn clue what dose they’re on.

So sema dosage is 0.25mg, 0.5mg, 1mg, 1.7mg, & max of 2.4mg. We’d need to know what dose she is on to give a calculation.

I’ll post some calculator links below that are very helpful



I have free time so I’ll do some math for you

A 2mg vial reconstituted with 1mL of BAC=

0.25mg = 12.5 units
0.5mg = 25 units
1mg = 50 units
1.7mg = 85 units

If my dose was > than 1mg, I’d recon with 0.5mL instead of 1mL to have less volume in my injection. Anything over 0.5mL (50 units) can be uncomfortable via SubQ.
This post was edited on 3/5/24 at 1:08 pm
Posted by LSUlove
Member since Oct 2003
518 posts
Posted on 3/5/24 at 1:59 pm to
Great info! Thanks! I’ll have her call the med spa and see if they will give her the current mg of her dose or the strength of her vial and report back.
Posted by Hu_Flung_Pu
Central, LA
Member since Jan 2013
22218 posts
Posted on 3/5/24 at 4:10 pm to
So my mom is on Ozempic through BCBS and she believes the doctor worked magic to get her on bc she is not diabetic. Only pays $25 a month for the 2.4mg. Is it worth her going/trying to get Mounjaro?
Posted by LSUlove
Member since Oct 2003
518 posts
Posted on 3/5/24 at 4:47 pm to
This is what she was told: 0.5 mg weekly at a 20 units weekly dose.

So my understanding is a 2mg vial reconstituted with 1ml of bact water will yield 4 doses of 0.5mg at 25units. If reconstituted with 0.5ml of water it would be 12.5 units for a 0.5mg dose. Correct?
This post was edited on 3/5/24 at 5:07 pm
Posted by Uncle JackD
Member since Nov 2007
58669 posts
Posted on 3/5/24 at 6:08 pm to

Is it worth her going/trying to get Mounjaro?
Sure. Answers always no if you don’t ask.
Posted by Uncle JackD
Member since Nov 2007
58669 posts
Posted on 3/5/24 at 6:12 pm to

So my understanding is a 2mg vial reconstituted with 1ml of bact water will yield 4 doses of 0.5mg at 25units. If reconstituted with 0.5ml of water it would be 12.5 units for a 0.5mg dose. Correct?
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