Malcolm LaVergne, O.J. Simpson's longtime attorney and executor of his estate, tells TMZ his stash of prison pornography from his days in Nevada state prison is up for grabs...

Malcolm spills that Simpson was a huge fan of porn, both watching and reading it -- even while incarcerated. How he got his hands on the stack of magazines while serving time for his 2008 memorabilia theft case remains unclear, but it's no shocker inmates get their hands on this kinda content.

After O.J.’s 2017 release -- from prison, that is -- we're told he stashed away the Penthouse issues, because he then had access to free porn on his phone and computer.

That's not all ... Malcolm says he might even put O.J.'s Trojan condoms on the auction block. Magnums, we're told.

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Bill W Tiger1 month
You can this and you can say that but in my 77 years on this earth, he was the best running back ever saw...but he just couldn't stand losing at anything and it finally was his undoing. There are 3 things that are for sure in this life...1.Just as the blacksmith pounds the anvil, so does the anvil pound the pound the blaksmith. 2.The bee pollinates the flower it robs. 3. O.J. DID IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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bengalman1 month
He was stabbin alright....
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Basura Blanco1 month
Everyone that clicked on this link needs to find Jesus.
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Jabontik1 month
and you're just here to save us all...
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brewdrees1 month
Heard OJ had Big'uns magazines lol
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HillabeeBaw1 month
If the pocket pussy doesn't fit, you must aquit.
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StrikeIndicator1 month
Nubian porn?…. Just kidding
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StanSmith1 month
Slasher porn?
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BabyTac1 month
Did Juice die? Man, how’d I miss that news?
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NytroBud1 month
Someone will buy them and try to clone the Juice from the Juice's juice
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PsychTiger1 month
They would make a killing.
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UncleLester1 month
Is there any chance that OJ's longtime employee had his own stash discovered and he's now doing all of this to try to prove to his wife (Mrs. LaVergne) that it wasn't his stash.
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OlDirtyTiger71 month
clown world
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If an item doesn't make the minimum bid, will they slash the price?
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CAD703X1 month
Eewww. Just....ewwwwww
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denvertiger1 month
Nothing says depravity like the selling/acquisition of a psychopath's porn stash
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