J.J. Watt Shares What He Knows About The NFL Season & Does Not Sound Happy
Shanna Lockwood-USA TODAY Sports
Houston Texans star JJ Watt is sharing everything he knows about the 2020 season on Twitter on Thursday after being NFLPA calls...
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He sounds frustrated.

(The Spun)
Filed Under: NFL
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chalmetteowl55 months
This is about money. Why should NFL players be different than teachers or anyone else?
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Bandits5855 months
I hope the racist NFL never play
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Picayuner55 months
He sounds like a spoiled child. Players have two choices. There are risk at most jobs. Either decide to work or decide to don’t work. Work and get paid. Don’t work, no pay. It’s so simple
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griswold55 months
Why am I not surprised that an organization that has handled the kneeling situation so poorly would also shite the bed on Covid planning.
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CanebreakCajun55 months
If you don’t like your 20 million a year job JJ, you can go wait tables at pluckers and see if you can show some gratitude.
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TygerDurden55 months
Maybe if he knelt it would get better for him.
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LSU Tiger Eyes55 months
In other worthy news, Burger King becomes a leader in fart prevention technology.
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tigerfan6355 months
You poor little whiney arse socialist. No one cares about nfl anymore.
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CanebreakCajun55 months
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SpencerRob55 months
I’ll never watch another NFL game, so I don’t give a shite what they do.
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s255 months
- We hope the fans stay with the NFL even though the NFL has become politicized and is a huge BLM supporter.
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6R1255 months
LOL sounds like the SJW's are running and ruining that organization.
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BobABooey55 months
It’s the steroids talking.
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roguetiger1555 months
They (the nfl and nflpa) may botch this worst than the mlb
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Friscodog55 months
Roger Goddell has a long track record for incompetence.
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crossfire55 months
Bunch of whiney rich entitled assholes. Go play, I'm sure the actual game itself is exponentially a greater risk to your health. I have no sympathy for these millionaire babies.
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Black n Gold55 months
Because Covid gives a shite how much money you make. These owners have resources, as well as obligation, to put a plan in place.
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TexasTiger3455 months
i don't think he's asking for sympathy, he's shedding light on how shitty NFL is running their business. whether your poor, middle-income or rich, business is business and they need to get their shite together.
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howieshoodlums55 months
Black n Gold. Why is it just the owners obligation. J.J. Watt is making almost 17 million a year hell if he pays 100,000 dollars to get tested twice a week how bad would that be. And what about the NFLPA where is their obligation.
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lsusteve155 months
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