An awful Philadelphia Eagles fan is going viral on Monday for his behavior during Sunday's Wild Card win over the Green Bay Packers. Warning language is NSFW...
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SUB29 days
People are dumb. Doesn’t seem like it phased the woman at all. No, we don’t need to “find this guy” because “this is not ok.” It’s a football game and people talk trash. Roll with it.
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tketaco29 days
"I won't tell this guy to go frick himself cuz Im scared so internet please help me shame him."

fricking gay!!!
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planotiger29 days
You are real brave on the internet, you telling us you would have charged the guy in the middle of a bunch of Philly fans, including his brother?
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denvertiger29 days
Meh...this is bullshite. I'm relatively young and extremely well trained and even I wouldn't have engaged this guy right there in the seats, especially given he had 2 other dudes with him, basically standing on top of the camera guy. I have no problem with what he did in the moment.
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Ryan Caldwell, BCT Partners fired him this morning.
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grizzlylongcut30 days
Dude with the camera is a flaming pussy. Who gives a shite about the charges? You cannot let someone speak like that to your girlfriend/fiance/wife or your mother and sister.

There are some things that simply cannot stand and that’s one of them.
user avatar
For real. He is whining on Twitter instead of going up there and being a man.
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Hamma112230 days
Ignorant Trash!
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ImBatman30 days
Philly proud. Dumbass!
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Jay Quest30 days
NFL fans are at an all time low for class and dignity. It appears to be a downward trend for the country in general but especially for NFL cretins. Eagle fans somehow manage to stand out among the scum.
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Phase_430 days
Must have a needle dick.
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diat15030 days
Imagine going to a fricking game and acting that way to a woman. You can’t get much lower class than that. And calling someone ugly when you look like he does. Really.
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Phase_430 days
Some men just didn't get taken to the wood shed enough growing up. I'm sure his father bloodied his mom's nose more than once.
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Shaq4prez30 days
Took my 6 year old to a saints eagles playoff game in the dome in 2019. Four trashy arse eagles fans (two of them wearing a 3D bird hat like a child), cursed and were derogatory all game long. Just another level of trash. Eagles fans are the worst in the NFL. You dont get this level of degeneracy at college games.
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denvertiger30 days
My old man quit taking me to Saints games at Tulane Stadium because the fights after half would be sprawling. So this bullshite ain't new.
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cajunmud30 days
I think the most vulgar word in English is the C word. It's proliferation as of late must be coming from the damn British. They drop that word like we do damn or shite. Show a smidgen of class.
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POTUS202430 days
Happens at NFL stadiums every week. I wonder if the NFL will stop selling alcohol or trying to police this behavior in any way.
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JackieTreehorn30 days
NFL fans are the trashiest form of excrement on the planet. Basically gutter trash.
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bengalman30 days
trashy eagles fans continue to impress.
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gamecockman1230 days
I'd honestly have a hard time sitting there letting my wife be subjected to that. If you actually read the Twitter post the guy actually stated that Eagles fan had his brother with him and another friend on top of it. It wouldn't have ended well for the husband unfortunately. Eagle's fans are such trash.
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denvertiger30 days
I hate the fighting at the games.

But I would have taken that POS up on his offer and we would have found a nice quiet place on the breezeway to settle our differences.
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Hoops30 days
“Help me find him” stfu lol, you gonna drive over and beat this old a-hole up?
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GeauxtigersMs3630 days
No they are going to post his name and photo all over social media till he loses his job, and anything else of value.
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Jwils29 days
Pussification of America continues. The time to do something was in the moment, not hiding behind a keyboard later to "get this guy".
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StizzyWizz29 days
So he does something in the moment and gets jumped by 4 or 5 Eagles fans. You sound like a retard.
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blacroix30 days
Oh look. Another reason to hate trashy arse Eagles fans.
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TigerGrad0330 days
If you aren't going to move your fiancé out of the way and throw down with that a-hole, at least switch seats so she doesn't have to sit next to his arse.
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