Someone snuck in Colorado's Folsom Field and well...
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Filed Under: NCAA Football
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DaveyDownerDawg83 months
Look Larry, it's a self portrait of you.
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Placebeaux83 months
Someone snuck in Colorado's Folsom Field and drew an LSU fan. But why?
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Random LSU Hero83 months
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Tigers4Lyfe83 months
* sneaked
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Doug Masters83 months
Dick move
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Random LSU Hero83 months
Christa Carlyle was at CPR class I swear!
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Koach K83 months
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LaBR483 months
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SamuelClemens83 months
What does that hold? 30k?
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Brettesaurus Rex83 months
Jesus that place looks like a prison
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OweO83 months
What a dick!
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USEyourCURDS83 months
Shovel squirtgun Classic
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Amazing Moves83 months
Larry's snow angel fantasy.
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hsfolk83 months
that stadium could use a lot of work
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northLouisiana83 months
Stadium looks like an abomination.
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Dr RC83 months
You cray Flosom is a great place to catch a game so long as you aren't in the old visitor seats that went 20 yards past the endzone and faced a brick wall.
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Who_Dat_Tiger83 months
wonder where they got the idea from... #dylandrewthedicks #americanvandal #hashtag
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Helo83 months
Dylan definitely did it.
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dred2483 months
Just the way the snow fell.
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pellietigersaint83 months
looks like a rocket ship
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Tiger Roux83 months
I was able to park my car and walk on the field, just opened an unlocked gate. It is smaller than it looks on TV. Seemed like about 10 yards between the seats and the field.
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Captain Lafitte83 months
Aliens, Larry.
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WhiskeyBusiness83 months
Cock circles?
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