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Location:2014 NFL Survivor Champion (17-0)
Interests:Golf, LSU Football
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re: Handicapped Tournaments

Posted by Random LSU Hero on 2/9/25 at 5:54 pm
Provided ppl put in their scores with 100% accuracy and don’t enter anything fake.

Handicapped Tournaments

Posted by Random LSU Hero on 2/9/25 at 4:36 pm
I fully understand and agree that handicapping should be used in tournaments in an effort to incorporate as much of the golfing community as possible. But, handicaps (GHIN) should be used for flighting purposes ONLY and once flighted then it’s straight up. Once flighted, you shouldn’t also be given
I feel like we all have those friends… they start hitting it crooked and all of a sudden their shoulder or back is plaguing them that day. Am I the only one that has these buddies? lol
Trust me, I know. But I need to make a believer out of this person.
For NCAA football D1A

A receiver goes up for a catch in the back of the end zone. He catches it (2 hands and secured) at the apex of his jump in mid-air, but before he comes down he’s pushed out of bounds. Like if there would have been no defender around him to push him, he would have come down i
Not me, I’d commit to Bama and hold out until signing day then come to LSU for the exact same.

re: JS picks USC

Posted by Random LSU Hero on 12/4/24 at 1:28 pm
2M per is ridiculous. I’m glad LSU walked

Any updates from Biloxi?

Yeah Chase Shores ate

re: Gameday sign ideas

Posted by Random LSU Hero on 11/2/24 at 11:02 pm
Pollack hangs out in Coates bathroom
Hard pass. Like going to a kids birthday party at 2:00pm on Saturday type of pass
$103 after tax. Good lawd lol. I mean the greens were good, but damn… the fact that you could play Beaver Creek twice for the same price is nuts.

re: Champions Tour in Little Rock

Posted by Random LSU Hero on 10/19/24 at 1:32 pm
What’s the name of the course where they would park cars for the LSU Arky game at War Memorial? The first time I went, it hurt my heart to see everyone parking on the course lol

re: Watching Break 50 with Bryson

Posted by Random LSU Hero on 10/18/24 at 9:03 am
Lol I was thinking the same thing when I was watching it. They’ll probably be on back order now after it was on BD channel
Dumb AF!


I’m all for it!

Where are you on this?

re: ACC just rigged the result

Posted by Random LSU Hero on 9/27/24 at 10:38 pm

complicated it for themselves with a bad on field ruling

The 2 officials were right there though. Whether the original called sucked or not, it was the original call

re: ACC just rigged the result

Posted by Random LSU Hero on 9/27/24 at 10:35 pm
It’s very simple… to overturn the original call there has to be 100% iron clad conclusive evidence. The replay showed a multitude of possibilities (the most being that it was a catch). How on earth does that get overturned?