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I used to get excited about these types of headlines. But I know nothing will happen to these fricking people
Would you rather have Covid AND record inflation, bare shelves, foreign wars (I mean incursions,) crazy mandates, etc.

Or would you rather just have Covid?
I think it’s just idea that we’re talking about a “PANDEMIC.”

Yea, those are symptoms but in context to what we’ve all gone through the past two years and how’s its shite down major areas of the world, those lame “symptoms” don’t really jive with how scary they want COVID to be.

Go back in tim
They still sound young and healthy with that list of symptoms
Since there are little to no symptoms, they want to force you to get a vaccine that has symptoms so that you have some symptoms
Just out of curiosity, what was your back of the napkin math?

Also, why do people only do math on the back of the napkin?
It’s so awesome that he repeated it. If it’s a “right-wing slur,” why’d he repeat it??

They certainly can’t say that’s he’s fried upstairs. These political “rocks and a hard place” with them lately are FANTASTIC to watch
I legitimately and surprised that no porn site is there. Although it seems you can get some form of it from each of these sites
I guess this is how they get around "Biden doesn't answer questions." :lol:

He says "I'll answer some questions" and then reads answers written for him. :lol:

re: Manchin saves Democrats...

Posted by WhiskeyBusiness on 12/20/21 at 10:06 am
Well they wanted all that dumb shite so of course they’re mad at him. They thought they had it in the bag because he’s got a D behind his name.

We need to drop the R and the D and just use CS for common sense. Those without CS behind their names need to be fricking removed
Sampson, I went to high school with your brother and am currently in BR. If there is anything I can do to help, please let me know.
The wife could get me a gift card from there and Scheel make me a happy camper..

re: Typical liberal mindset

Posted by WhiskeyBusiness on 12/13/21 at 7:46 pm
I rarely read entire articles, especially when I’m in a hurry. But I read EVERY word of these types of articles. It’s delicious
I bet “late 1930s Germany” didn’t sound so bad at the time...

March 2020 may not get to that level, but I can see people looking back on the things going on now and shaking their heads