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Openly mocking Christianity by replacing Jesus and his disciples at a scene of the last supper with transvestites. Could you imagine if those hypocrites did something similar to mock Muslims? I’d expect Paris would be on fire by morning. I’m not even religious and found that shite disgraceful as all ...
what in the everliving frick… :ahh: [embed]https://x.com/libsoftiktok/status/1816934136621466073[/embed] World’s gone to hell hasn’t it? ...
Other thread so I don’t spoil the fun for the weenies ...
[quote]The French are pretty effeminate [/quote]that’s true. They do like their figs. [img]https://media.gettyimages.com/id/158927699/vector/french-man-wearing-a-beret-and-smoking-a-cigarette.jpg?s=612x612&w=gi&k=20&c=yWvzikzPQclnEEHRHbApmSDmHnpyzveS63IIGVfs5aU=[/img]...
Why is everything so effeminate now? This crap reminds me of the capitol in the hunger games ...

re: Bring Us Your Memes Thread

Posted by Who_Dat_Tiger on 7/26/24 at 7:18 am
According to my cfb25 season sims Liberty could go undefeated with that cakewalk cusa and OOC schedule and league mvp QB rb and returning a lot of starters on defense. They’re my dark horse to make the cfb playoff as the highest ranked G5 champion. They’ll prob have to go undefeated again to ach...
See on wiki they’re all at the same venue so these games only last like 15 minutes? Never heard of a team sport like that ...
[quote]They are called Trys in rugby. [/quote] was saying that tongue in cheek. I did know that one but as far as rules there’s a ton I don’t understand. Watching it with American football rules in mind makes me want to scream what the hell are you doing?! Too many things to note even but most ...
Isnt South Africa usually one of the top rugby nations? They just scored 4 touchdowns in a few minutes against Japan lol Make that 5...
Florida will have 5 straight losing seasons for the first time in their history book it. Their schedule is brutal the next couple years ...
[quote]If we can't sway a 25 year old gay latino who lives in New York to vote for conservative values, who can we convince?[/quote]:lol: Yeah these people interviewed by MSNBC aren’t representative of jack shite. I would trust these ridiculous poll results below over anyone MSNBC hand selects to ...
[quote]How does trump balance the rise in black support with the support of those that believe in white nationalism or even white suppremacy? [/quote]by continuing to do what he’s been doing and opposing dem policies that have destroyed the black community for decades? Couldn’t imagine any white na...

re: Most TDS are morons

Posted by Who_Dat_Tiger on 7/22/24 at 9:32 pm
[quote]-Said he was racist I asked for example didn’t have one.[/quote] the couple times I’ve heard someone talking to me call Trump racist I asked for examples and I believe in both those instances they were caught off guard by the pushback due to their ridiculous answer. Both made mention to the b...
[quote]It’s hard to fathom that this is even close[/quote]What makes political polls X account so untrustworthy? Looks like they just share poll results, not fabricate them. The general consensus there looking through their polls is that it isn’t close. [embed]https://x.com/politics_polls/status/...
It has painted fingernails. Is that one fruitcake really supposed to be representative of Gen Z? :lol: Certainly doesn’t represent my Gen Z family members. They’re the self proclaimed cool kids though. They’ve never brought one like that around. ...

re: Why??? Why??? Harris....

Posted by Who_Dat_Tiger on 7/21/24 at 5:58 pm
I love how the Dems 2 major stances are “protecting democracy” and killing babies when they’re installing a candidate that no one voted for and got 2% of the vote in the last primary. The Dem party is such a joke :lol: ...
The 3 biggest issues are immigration, foreign policy and economy and Trump is +16 on average in favorability on those issues. Dems don’t have anything to run on outside of abortion and they lie about Trumps stance on that repeatedly acting as if he wants to implement a nationwide ban which has alway...
Has to be Shapiro. PA is key for the Dems specifically bc I don’t see a path for them without PA...