Tulane has found their next coach in Georgia State's Ron Hunter...
© Jim Brown-USA TODAY Sports
Tulane has found their next coach in Georgia State's Ron Hunter...
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Filed Under: NCAA Basketball
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Deplorable Duke66 months
Tulane found ITS new coach.
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xrockfordf150x66 months
I didn’t know Michael Strahan was into basketball.
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Chalkywhite8466 months
This is a good pickup
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soccerfüt66 months
“Rod Hunter”: probably was not real happy with his own name in Jr. High.
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TigerSpray66 months
Lost and found? Really?
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jimmy the leg66 months
I would have gone after Avery Johnson. He is a Louisiana guy, knows the layout regionally, and is a solid coach.
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OchoDedos66 months
Hope Hunter fully understands that he wouldve had more administrative and fan support at GA St than he'll ever get at Tulane.
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lsuroadie66 months
Will wait patiently on a Tulane fan comment that even realizes Tulane has a men's BB program
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tiger_nurse66 months
Tulane fan here and the way the program has been the last 20 years, i cant disagree with this comment. Its been pathetic to say the least. Hopefully this guy can at least get them competitive.
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ellessuuuu66 months
Isn't he the one that fell off his stool last year (or year before).
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MrAUTigers66 months
Yep. His son hit a big shot and he fell of his chair, IIRC. That was a couple of years ago.
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BobABooey66 months
Tulane sucks. He sucks. Their players suck. Home & Garden Board.
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SaintInBham66 months
You do realize it's not 1972 right? I'm a N.O. guy transplanted in Birmingham. I can't stand Auburn or Alabama, but it's great how both fan bases really support UAB athletics. They all realize that a strong athletic presence in any school supports them all. Too bad LSU fans can be short sighted.
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jdutto366 months
SaintinBham- there is a big difference in your UAB situation. UAB was never old rivals of Auburn or Bama. The LSU Tulane rivalry was ingrained in me by my grandparents and parents growing up. It existed. Plus UAB doesn't get the smug yankee or west coast know it all students who spread throughout the city like locust and then *poof, just vanish after 4 years to both brag how they lived in New Orleans while at the same time talking crap on the city and us natives. F Tulane.
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Zzyzx66 months
Really good hire. He has them in the tournament often
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