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Interests:bagels and tacos
Occupation:bagel and taco inspector
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Registered on:8/4/2007
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[quote]What are the odds of that [/quote] Normally I would say zero, but he has acted quite differently this go around. How do you feel about the voters being ignored and Hawk Tuah Harris being installed? ...
[quote]I did not realize they were throwing shite at cops. Unreal[/quote] Leftists slinging shite… [img]https://media1.tenor.com/m/8YF3Es-xc8YAAAAC/not-surprised.gif[/img]...
Are you okay with the voters being bypassed in order to install Hawk Tuah Harris? ...
[quote]Politics don't belong here on the OT.[/quote] Typically, no. However, some things aren’t typical, and so they migrate here. Overarching issues do exist. Hell, they exist in the world of film as well, but the sensibilities of some have now created “safe spaces” on TD. That being said...
The movie board is the land of make believe, so it makes sense that a bunch of incels would want it as a safe space. The OT, however, isn’t into nut milk. So kindly dry your eyes (and vag) and go flick your man bean to the non-white Netflix remakes....
He is a black white supremacist! Signed -the board leftists...
How sad are you that Trump is still alive? I know you wanted him jailed simply because you don’t like him, so the question above is legitimate. ...

re: GA still can't get it together

Posted by jimmy the leg on 7/25/24 at 5:51 pm
Most secure election ever! Signed - The TDS Krewe...
[quote]A company owned by a straight white man with an executive team of straight white men hates straight white men... yeah that makes sense...[/quote] Leftists are self-loathing. As such: [img]https://media1.tenor.com/m/1THDjm7Jx0kAAAAC/math-genius.gif[/img] ...
[quote]but I have no idea how anyone enjoys Tool. [/quote] [img]https://media1.tenor.com/m/fOj4_R2j_yIAAAAC/shocked-surprised.gif[/img]...
[quote]Trump donated to Kamala in the past, will you guys stop supporting him too?[/quote] Slavery happened in the past. Do you support enslaving others? Never mind, scratch that question. By supporting Kamala, I have no doubt that you support reimplementing slavery in America. ...

re: CNN allowed this!?

Posted by jimmy the leg on 7/24/24 at 8:18 pm
[quote]Mickey Cuckmill would be saying any questions about Biden's cognitive abilities were conspiracy theories.[/quote] As someone that once defended Mickey, I will state without hesitation that what you just posted is true. ...
[quote]This is where it all ends[/quote] [quote]Dammit. Now I have “Fire Woman” by the Cult stuck in my head.[/quote] * Sun King...
[quote]I don't recall that. I may recall one or two that showed 18%.[/quote] Like I said, that poster is full of shite....
Iirc, a female prosecutor that kept black men falsely imprisoned so that she could use them as slave labor. ...
[quote]Don't be such a twat. I'm not a Harris supporter. I merely posted something that's readily available and apparently it put your panties in a wad. My reason for posting it is: don't count out the public to vote for her because: It's historic She's younger She eats avocado and wheat toast S...
[quote]I look forward to the day when Matt Gaetz is not even a memory.[/quote] You long for communist rule that badly huh?...
[quote]Either way 34% black support would be monumental.[/quote] I agree. However, a prior poster stated that polls regularly show 34% black support in the previous two federal elections. Needless to say, that poster is full of shite. ...