Charles Barkley was giving thanks on Thursday night to President Trump and the G.O.P. for the recent tax cut on "Inside the NBA"...

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Jumbo_Gumbo82 months
He should have said “sorry lazy people who don’t want to work.” I’m middle class and I’m saving $4800 next year in taxes. Anyone who has a job should see an increase in pay come February.
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YStar82 months
I laugh when idiots say trickle down works. It's either they don't own a business or they lie without conscious. I own several business and when I get my tax cuts, I save, invest in my portfolio or spend it on my personal desires (not married, no kids). Literally no business owner I know says "I just saved 30-50k in taxes, let me hire more people!" Lol!
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atltiger648782 months
"I invest in my portfolio or spend it on my personal desires"... you just showed why tax cuts work to stimulate the economy. On a macro level, investment creates jobs, and more consumer spending creates jobs. It always amazes me that people don't understand that tax cuts, in addition to spurring more economic activity, also allows people to keep more of THEIR OWN money. It's not the govt's money - they just take less of it from the people that earned it. And yet people complain.
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ellessuuuu82 months
Wow, your example just showed exactly how it works. I'm assuming your "personal desires" include paying somebody for some service or good. That is the definition of trickled down, idiot.
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Grim82 months
frick trump
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mr bunion82 months
^ Butthurt ^
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TutHillTiger82 months
Trickle down is such complete bullshite they even openly laughed at it at Ole Miss and even Dr. Woods called it political bullshite. (They were so Republican they were half Nazi ) No one really buys that. It’s just something we sell the Poors
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BradPitt82 months
It could very well be bullshite indeed but it frankly beats the even shittier alternative which is socialism...
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bcoop19982 months
Charles is free to pay more in taxes if he wants to.
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ColoBama82 months
I get to keep an additional $5000 next year. So, frick off Charles and the rest of you libtards.
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Revelator82 months
I bet Charles doesn't realize how trickle down works. When he buys the Rolex because of his tax savings, not only does the store owner benifit, the person getting the commission and the manufacturer also win.
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Old Money82 months
Apparently neither do you.
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coachw82 months
Frick that racist. Who gives a damn what he thinks. Maybe with the "extra" money, he will pay back his gambling debts that he still owes a ton of casinos.
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VooDude82 months
Funny how the most uneducated are the most vocal, stick to what you know, making BBQ and gumbo.
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VooDude82 months
Not a lot of Keynesian economists in the comment section today.
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Bige1182 months
Why don’t you elaborate on Keynesian vs Austrian economics, and explain how since we operate in a Keynesian system the tax cuts will help or hurt the economy?! I mean if you are going to leave a smug comment, at least educate us.
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Drizzt82 months
Apparently Charles is too dumb to realize that him buying a “new Rolex” is what trickle down economics is about. Does the idiot not get that the jewelry store makes money on his purchase and has employees they pay. Sir Charles is an idiot.
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Montezuma82 months
Buying something is not trickle down. Trickle down is Rolex paying less taxes and that going back into growing the business, or paying the staff more. Your comment is more of the stimulus spending tax theory where you give the middle and lower more, and they spend it.
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Drizzt82 months
Montezuma is as dumb as Charles. The trickle down part is you purchase, the store pays employees, the manufacturer hires people to build more products for purchase, and the money from the original purchase keeps being spent down the chain. Liberals are dumb.
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Morris182 months
It’s amazing to me that people who receive every penny back in tax returns (therefore paying no taxes) complain that they didn’t receive anything. Yet here they are driving the same roads and using the same services as I.
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TDFreak82 months
He’s mocking it, but you know deep down inside he and Shaq’s eyes lit up when their accountants told them how much dough they were getting.
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PillageUrVillage82 months
He makes a sarcastic remark about “trickle down”, while simultaneously proving it. And didn’t even realize it.
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crewdepoo82 months
Lol at you
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Newgene82 months
I heard those that pay no taxes get no additional free stuff with this bill. Those that pay taxes will likely get some free stuff. Maybe that's what he meant.
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OceanMan82 months
Actually the refundable portion of the child tax credit is set to increase, so even poor folks with kids that pay no taxes will likely get a little bit more free stuff.
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CDawson82 months
What a fool...
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Marco Esquandolas82 months
Funny, but the SJWs will be on ESPN's arse for this. Hope it ends well for Sir Charles.
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Bigpoppat82 months
This isn't on ESPN frickwad
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RedPop482 months
It won't stop them, on ESPN, from complaining about his comments. Or, do they ONLY comment on what's on the network?
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Fus062382 months
Again, this wasn’t on ESPN
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