A significant amount of LSU fans exited the PMAC Thursday night when the Lady Tigers were down double-digits to Stanford.

Those same fans missed LSU's thrilling comeback overtime win, and Kim Mulkey jokingly said in postgame that she know's who there are and will have a word with them at church.

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BabyTac1 month
College basketball should feel lucky to have 1 fan show up.
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DC4LSU1 month
I mean it's actually a little ridiculous, how much traffic are you really going to be leaving in the last 1 minute 50 seconds support the damn team till the end
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bayoubilly571 month
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Bedtiger1 month
The picture for this story is not correct, CKM was in a black suit! WTH?
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SOL21 month
And she knows who you are!
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bluebuck11 month
Assembling a team and winning a Championship, in one year, in any college sport puts you in a special category, especially after having won prior Championships, as a lead player and coach. As a player Queen Mulkey beat down the best women basketball team ever with Cheryl Miller and crew. That made them second best Then, as Coach of Baylor, her expertise shined. We are talking the MVP of the boys little league baseball and a 4.0 gpa student her whole life. She coached her son to MLB status and her daughter to Championship level WBB. Queen Mulkey! Never doubt her ability to get the best out of anyone and come back and win, when no one else can.
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bluebuck11 month
We love the Queen! Hale to the Queen! We should leave early for anything she is in charge of! She is the Queen!
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bluebuck11 month
Correction: We should never leave early for anything she is in charge of!
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BobABooey1 month
We’re talking about the BenGals, right?
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lsuohiofan1 month
It happens way too much at LSU sporting events.
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tigerbutt1 month
Traffic. Good enough reason for me.
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OchoDedos1 month
Then stop ESPN from dictating 8PM starts on work/school nights
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NotaStarGazer1 month
I seriously doubt that every fan left early due to the score...a lot of them did for sure. But I tell you the basketball games last so long now due to reviews of ticky tack things, it has gotten ridiculous. The LSU vs Florida State MBB game a prime example. Want to speed up the games...don't have a bunch of nonsense reviews that take valuable time. Every time players collide now or a foul is called, they seem to run to the monitor as look for head contact. Oh, and please make sure that the clock didn't run off .1 of a second too long. It is getting absurd how long BB games have become not only due to late fouling but umpteen, unnecessary reviews IMO.
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Timeoday1 month
Yep, it is all about the refs at that point and they really do appreciate the attention.
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Tigers4Lyfe1 month
Not saying you're wrong, but people go to games because they are enjoyable no?

Never understood the games are too long mentality.

We wait months for our favorite sport to start back from the off season and have a problem with a game lasting 15 to 30 minutes longer than it should?
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Cycledude1 month
Shame on those fans! When you buy those tickets and put on the purple and gold shirt, you are obligated to stay the whole game !
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armydude1 month
Look, I believe if you buy a ticket to a game to support your team, it is important to stay whether they win or lose.

But I'm not obligated to do shite after I buy that ticket.
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I hate the fans that leave early too but they bought the tickets. They have every right to do whatever the hell they want with them.
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bayoubilly571 month
The bottom line when you buy tickets you could do any thing you want to do with them ! that includes not going to the game leaving early and burn your tickets if you want to! BY THE WAY KIM IS NOT GOD EVEN HER FANS AND THE LOCAL MEDIA THINK SO!!!!!!!!!!!
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