Filed Under: LSU Football
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ChineseBandit5839 months
wish I knew what 'bodied' meant. I saw a tall guy drop a basketball into a basket after someone else made an accurate pass to him. I think I could have done that if I were that tall.
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ATLTiger39 months
Brandon Jennings with the assist. :ObiWanMeme:
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Tiger198839 months
Man Y’all are tough! I used to go watch the pro-am league at Texas Southern during the summer and the jawing and smack talk was relentless like this. The guys are just having fun. fWIW - I saw Kenny Smith get 25 dropped on him one night by a guy named Mike and Kenny just laughed and said “What team do you play for”. “How many NBA titles do you have?” Kenny did not play defense.
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Sid in Lakeshore39 months
So many people feel the need to respond even though they have no idea what the frick they are talking about. It really is a shame.
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CanebreakCajun39 months
I saw what his daddy do that against Indiana and Kentucky and not yell and scream.
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Freddy23839 months
I'm glad to see him back playing ball and having fun. Lord knows he been thru a lot that probably make many men quit on the sport they love. I'm no hater Shareef, keep balling playa.
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Vacherie Saint39 months
RIP, #4. Lol
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LSU FSU Grad39 months
Should have been called for taunting. That was excessive for catching a lob pass and dropping it in the he's supposed to do. He was RIGHT in that guy's face for far too long. Act like you've done it before!
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tiggerthetooth39 months
It's a charity league, they're supposed to have fun like that.
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Martini39 months
It’s in slow motion. Jesus.
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Kracka39 months
He's damn near 7ft and he's flexing because he dunked on someone..... How about stay healthy and be decent on your college team. that would be impressive.
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VictoryHill39 months
I'll begin to be impressed by Shareef when he does anything noteworthy on the court wearing an LSU jersey. Until then, he's just a legacy athlete. Shaq's son.
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atltiger648739 months
a. not impressive at all for a guy that tall b. not worth the jawing c. everyone else is moving down to the other end while he's talking shite. Go play some good defense - it's harder and more impressive than that ho-hum dunk.
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Sterling Archer39 months
Tough crowd
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stonedbegonias39 months
Shut up and dribble.
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TigerMan7939 months
Not impressed. In fact quite the opposite
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DeafVallyBatnR39 months
Was that a game winning dunk? Good for him pat yourself on the back later. Play defense now.
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Cshaw9139 months
That foot like it healed up nicely!
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Schmelly39 months
He bodied him? Lol
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Lambchops1139 months
So he caught an alley-oop? Wow, impressive.
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LSUballs39 months
Sure the dunk was impressive, but did you see how well he yelled at the opposing player?
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