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Registered on:10/27/2008
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[quote]Didnt quin die from neeve agent poison? [/quote] He survived that. Carie saved him, and he was pissed about it. He died the next season driving the President and Carie out of the assassination attempt in NYC....
[quote]Yea, i cant belive she betrayed the us [/quote] When? She never did and even started sending info back to Saul at the end of the last season....
[quote]Would love a Quinn origins series about him in the military and doing CIA missions after that. We could see he and the German agent Astrid, during the Cold War.[/quote] That would be his time being recruited by and working for Dar Adal..... Dirty old man....
[quote]The season in germany, where her homie dies is really good. [/quote] :lol: :lol: Oops.....
[quote]’m not for war and heavily against it.[/quote] What an asinine thing to say. Who the frick is "For War"? Of course men understand that sometimes war is the best option. ...
[quote] time is better spent on there by watching boating fails videos[/quote] Watch "the chit show"...
[quote]I am on Ukraine’s side, but not to the point it risks nuclear war.[/quote] MY GOD stop with this alarmist nonsense. It makes any other point you may actually had not be taken seriously. It is laughable to think this thing is leading to wards nuclear armageddon....
So deeply sorry for your loss. Thoughts and prayers go out to you and especially your young children. I hope you have some family that can assist you in this time of trouble. I know the loss of your wife will be incredibly difficult, but you have to try to remain strong for your children. They m...
[quote] here is my question yet again: “Where do you think this ends?” I know where it ends, but do you think it’s going to be all sunshine and rainbows should Ukraine win? If you think so, you are wrong.[/quote] I think a much smaller less subtantial Ukraine comes out of this with less natural r...
The thing in that picture is one of the ugliest vehicles I have ever seen....
[quote]Proxy wars can be just as bad as actual wars[/quote] How so? ...
[quote]Fighting proxy wars is way cheaper than fighting really wars. My only complaint with the US actions so far is that it’s too little maybe too late.[/quote] This is the only correct answer. The red brigade are mentally challenged....
[quote]Bill Cassidy of Louisiana,[/quote] Dude is just a straight up Democrat. He lied his arse off to his constituents....
[quote]With another nuclear power? This is new in my lifetime.[/quote] What? Vietnam, Korea, Syria, Afghanistan (the first go round when the ruskies were fighting the Mujahidin)....... These were all proxy wars where USA fought another nuclear power either directly or through an intermedia...
[quote]I don’t see any reason why I should pay a further cent for this proxy war that could escalate.[/quote] Literally ANY war COULD escalate. Your fear porn is tiresome....
[quote]A number of the self labeled open source intelligence twitter accounts have posted hiatus messages simultaneously. I’m guessing they were part of a coordinated propaganda campaign that is getting shut down[/quote] Were they pro UK or pro RF? Serious question....
[quote]I’m still laughing at you knighting for TigerDoc. That’s so cute. [/quote] I'm not knighting for anyone. I remarked that you calling literally anyone a tool is ironic. I am correct, but you are just too fricking stupid to follow logic....
[quote]I`m so happy alot of you guys on here know more and watch more film than the Saints coaches do.[/quote] [quote]CRW[/quote] If you somehow have a problem with fans discussing the relative play of a huge contract player, on a Saints mssg board, during the offseason......... Well, I'm at...
[quote]Good Lord, she is adorable. [/quote] :lol: I do really like her. So glad she came to LSU. She also SEEMS like a great mom. She and Kramer seem pretty close, despite the demands on her time as a HC. And we all saw her daughter and granddaughter at her introductory conference. BEST...
Let me help you out with that video...... [link=(https://www.bing.com/videos/search?q=Alia+Armstrong%2c+women%27s+100m+hurdles%2c+2020+nationals&&view=detail&mid=7FB245952989FC9B2F247FB245952989FC9B2F24&&FORM=VRDGAR&ru=%2Fvideos%2Fsearch%3Fq%3DAlia%2BArmstrong%252c%2Bwomen%2527s%2B100m%2Bhurdles%...