Congratulations to Myles Brennan and his new fiance Erin who got engaged this past weekend at Tiger Stadium.

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Will be one of the most special weeks of my life. Made my commitment back to LSU and committed to spending life with Erin. I love you
Filed Under: LSU Football
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bigDgator38 months
It's amazing to me that women have made proposals and weddings such a ridiculously overdone spectacle and men have gone right along with it. Let's just call it love drunk.
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Aligater38 months
Someone, I think it was Jacob Hester proposed to a Cheerleader during a timeout, halftime, or end of game. I forget which. Anyway, his uniform was muddy when he kneeled...That was great, Player and Cheerleader at the game...Geaux Myles, Geaux Erin, Geaux Tigers...Congratulations.
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Aligater38 months
Sorry about the double post...don't know how to erase or correct once posted.........
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75503Tiger38 months
Here we have a man in control of his own destiny. If he goes and has a solid year on that field he will seal his fate because he will be forever bound to that patch of dirt. One can only dream of having such a special place. Congrats on the engagement but I want mine, go win some games next year!!
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skullopener38 months
There is something weird about her walk.
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Aligater38 months
Someone, I think it was Jacob Hester, proposed to a Cheerleader during a game...timeout, end of game, whatever...He was muddy when he got down one knee, and the whole thing was nice for everyone to see...I don't even remember the game, but for sure we must have won that day...he did.
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Hangit38 months
Was that a 4 or 5-month baby bump under that giant dress?
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Jabontik38 months
Nice to see
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The Torch38 months
Did the band play neck ?
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trakmak77738 months
Congrats, hope you guys have a long happy life!
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LSUMBAgrad38 months
Maybe they can honeymoon on BrokeArm Mountain???
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DeafVallyBatnR38 months
Yeah, That's bad. Really bad. Good try though.
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Play_Neck38 months
Congrats in order. but side note: Myles looks like he went from 18 to 35 in 3 years. Been a journey man.
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MagicMikesMindsEye38 months
Out of all the mistakes hes made.. this ones the worst.. :/ hope he got a prenup
user avatar
Congratulations! NOW GO OUT AND WIN.
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TDsngumbo38 months
Man, that NIL money must’ve come through!
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Vacherie Saint38 months
Thanks for everything Myles.
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Lithium38 months
Congrats but Rings are won by getting in the Endzone
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GoneFishing2138 months
Considering he’s already won a ring, I imagine he knows more about that than you.
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Enjuhnear38 months
White shrimping boots? Is she from Dulac?
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LSU Tiger Eyes38 months
The cost of those boots could possibly replace your house tires and then some more!
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hereiamnow38 months
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rob6238 months
Congrats to you both.
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young man tiger38 months
Awesome. Congrats!
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