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LSUinATX36 months
Classy Ed…you now have your own “sissy blue” t-shirt for sale. They locked the doors on you. SMH
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Tridentds36 months
No expert but i'm pretty sure they brought it.
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TouchdownTony36 months
When you're a head coach you don't even acknowledge stuff like fans. Orgeron tries to pander to the fans too much. The bigger problem he has is having a bunch of kids on his staff. I think folks looked at Brady and said, oh, young equals great. If only it were that simple. Great coaches are great and age has zero to do with it. He also needs to dictate what he wants done and stop letting coordinators run things. All game plans should be signed off by the head man. If your coordinators are running the show they won't stay. If you're doing the head coaches job then why aren't you the head coach? Then, this we have a better attitude this year or guys worked harder this off-season. You should work the same every year and not have to correct this in your 4th or 5th season.
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He's about to get Titled IX'd, he's a bit testy.
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atltiger648736 months
classless response by O. Could you imagine Saban, Dabo, Day, etc letting a heckler get to them trike that?
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emoney196936 months
I don’t understand what you wanted him to say. Someone is yelling their gonna beat your a$$….maybe he could’ve left out the sissy blue shirt stuff but I’m okay with him saying “bring it”. I think our fans are blowing this out of proportion because of the loss. I think UCLA is a good team and I don’t think anyone in the PAC-12 will beat them. So that maybe a playoff team. The OC and Max better learn how to deal with the blitz because that won’t be the only time they’ll see it.
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LordSaintly36 months
He should have ignored it like most coaches. Silence is an option too.
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ianfson136 months
As a Head coach—-ignore shite yelled at you by a yahoo. His head should be somewhere else
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NAsh-vegas Tigah36 months
Coach Eaux is a clown show. The guy is a complete moron who got a generational talent in Joe Burrow and an Offensive Whiz Kid in Joe Brady (thanks to Ensminger) with a competent DC in Aranda left over from Miles. Outside of that, he is now showing his true abilities and ways. Embarrassment to a great university like LSU! #eauxmustgeaux
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JackieTreehorn36 months
What an embarrassing Individual.
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jkylejohnson36 months
Captain gumbo just got bitch slapped by a pac12 school. Fire that arse clown.
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cphill36 months
Shut up, got your a$$ handed to you.....
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SuckFickNaban36 months
We got a sissy defense
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Fstez6336 months
I still like this
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lsufan7936 months
Coach O is a joke. Sick of this guy.
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Potchafa36 months
That state trooper is a big ole' boy!
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sosaysmorvant36 months
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OSoBad36 months
Boy this didn't age well
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Quatre Pot36 months
Was coming here to say exactly this! LSU looked soft as hell and UCLA brought the wood
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Jabontik36 months
Apparently sissys can really play football
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TeachemMeachem1736 months
What a clown lol
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Ezra Reed36 months
Something tells me that would not have been Saban's response.
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hhstigerdad36 months
Well coach, he brought it. Keep your big coullion mouth shut! Concentrate on getting your dumb arse players in the right spots with the right attitude. 2019 is long gone. What have you done for us lately?
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DenhamTiger201536 months
That didn’t age well
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