Favorite team:Florida State 
Number of Posts:13158
Registered on:1/21/2014
Online Status:Not Online

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[quote]Jarrett is coaching at his alma mater. [/quote] And both he and his wife are from Tally and their parents are still there ...
[quote]I'm the new Republican.[/quote] You're a Code Pink Democrat ...

re: Crazy loomer at it again

Posted by jlnoles79 on 6/25/24 at 9:04 am
Trump sure as shite better not blow this election because some people on this board won't be able to handle being reminded of it ...

re: Crazy loomer at it again

Posted by jlnoles79 on 6/25/24 at 8:28 am
[quote]They’re a strange group. [b]Mot cried last night for road to leave him alone[/b]. It was pretty depressing to read this morning.[/quote] Again? I know his feelings were hurt defending handing out green cards to Hamas supporting students ...

re: Crazy loomer at it again

Posted by jlnoles79 on 6/25/24 at 8:22 am
[quote]BBONDS25[/quote] It's the idiot that thought Cleveland ran for President as a lame duck :lol:...

re: Crazy loomer at it again

Posted by jlnoles79 on 6/25/24 at 8:15 am
[quote]And Ron surrounds himself with all the rejects. NOT a good look[/quote] She works for the Governor now? ...

re: Crazy loomer at it again

Posted by jlnoles79 on 6/25/24 at 7:58 am
[quote]Because they voted for joe Biden and blame trump supporters. When they just need to own up to they fell for the lies and move on and direct their hate toward the right areas which would be the media and Uniparty. [/quote] Look at this mouthbreather :lol: ...

re: Crazy loomer at it again

Posted by jlnoles79 on 6/25/24 at 7:54 am
[quote]She was there to make sure especially PA was never really investigated. She was there with the pretty bow to appear professional as the ones fed the kracken were set up.[/quote] :lol: Everything is a conspiracy ...
[quote]CIA? State Dept?[/quote] Just an older woman not paying attention ...
[quote] don't know about Florida politics. I think his apex position is governor, but that's term-limited, right?[/quote] No more than two consecutive terms but can run again later on [quote]The Senators are going to be there a while, right?[/quote] Rubio can be in office as long as he wan...
[quote]I agree he knows he's stuck in the House in perpetuity.[/quote] If he doesn't run it will be because he doesn't think he can win. ...
The out of state tards and influencers will the the loudest voices during the 2026 primary for Governor ...
[quote]Bubble headed uniparty Americans and Dems hate Gaetz because he calls out all that is wrong in DC. There's only a dozen or so in the House that actually care about we the people, Gaetz is at the top.[/quote] All you have to do is go on Sloppy Steve's show and run your mouth to impress cert...
[quote]People should watch this movie: [/quote] I've seen it My favorite scene was a CIA agent approaching a 4 year old boy on a playground and telling him he would help the Deep State target a future President ...
[quote]It’s funny how now the narrative is that we ruined Ron yet [b]they claim we are dumb[/b][/quote] This is in response to someone that thinks DeSantis was an FBI plant :lol:...
[quote]When you can’t defend the accusation, attack the source.[/quote] [quote]How many people, throughout 2019 all the way to 2022/’23/’24, realized Ron DeSantis was a set-up by the main DC people who control politics, which included Intelligence Community support?[/quote] Normal people read ...
[quote]You believe Biden won fair in 2020…[/quote] What does this have to do with some smooth brains thinking the Governor of Florida is a deep state plant? Now ask me who I'm voting for :lol:...
[quote]Nah. Flights to MV where to rally campaign funds and talk presidential strategy. The FBI MAL raid may have been discussed in terms of the people in the know indirectly, "Don't worry Ron, Don will not be eligible. We are taking care of it."[/quote] Have you always believed in every dumb c...
[quote]You said this wasn’t real.[/quote] You think this case has anything to do with the MAL raid? Was DeSantis an FBI/CIA plant the whole time?...