LSU associate athletic director of football recruiting and alumni relations Sharron Lewis is no longer employed by the school, according to multiple reports.

Lewis filed a $50 million Title IX lawsuit against LSU in April 2021. Per Tiger Rag:

Attorneys representing Lewis told Tiger Rag that she was fired by LSU athletic director Scott Woodward.

“The wrongful termination of Sharon Lewis by LSU is a continuation of the retaliation she has endured for reporting violations of Title IX and State Law by LSU coaches and athletic officials,” Lewis’ legal team said in a statement released through Delta Media. “LSU’s action is a clear violation of Title IX, Louisiana Whistleblower Statute and EEOC guidelines that protect employees against retaliation for reporting violations of federal and state law.

“Ms. Lewis’ wrongful termination by Woodward and the LSU administration will not deter or silence her from speaking out on behalf of victims of the university’s deplorable behavior which puts students and employees at risk.” Read more.
Lewis was an All-SEC track and field athlete at LSU and graduated from the University in 1991. She joined LSU’s football recruiting office in 2002.

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lsuohiofan33 months
What was she making $100,000-$150,000 a year. Good position and she just messed that up.
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saint tiger22533 months
In today's world of false narratives & false victimhood, she could potentially spin this into a lifetime of riches. Aka, the Kaepernick special.
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texastigerr33 months
Good. Let her go. Should have fired her a long time ago.
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bluebuck133 months
Smashed a friend of yours, in front of you! Damn!
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bluewatersailor33 months
Ughhhh, Louisiana is a Right to Work state. You can be fired anytime without a reason. Playing the black card to get a settlement.
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Kocin33 months
I don’t think you understand right to work states vs at will !!
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saint tiger22533 months
@Kocin - I'm not sure what's worse - the fact that he screwed that one up, or that 16 other people felt he was right and agreed with him, so they upvoted him and not one of them realized he screwed up. Normally, I'd say 1 of those people probably knew the difference, but just didn't want to point it out, but we know that's not true. They're the same people who still buy toonces gear.
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blueboxer111933 months
Got stoned with Sharon and Corey Raymond multiple times in 2018. Sharon is crazy. She smashed a friend of mine in front of me. She is VERY comfortable with former
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LSUrme33 months
Oh no... LINK
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Labsolut33 months
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conman33 months
Ah yes the good ol race card. Always comes in handy when a person of color is fired. When will Ben Crump show up? Maybe Sharpton and Jackson, if they are compensated of course.
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ccomeaux33 months
The key phrase in there is EEOC she’s going to claim discrimination based on race and gender, at least
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TKLSUMD33 months
How many companies will keep an employee on their staff who is suing them? None of them.
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Bestbank Tiger33 months
Unless they're afraid of being accused of retaliation. Hopefully Woodward thoroughly documented a good reason.
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PureBlood33 months
If SW fired her, then they've got something against her. Simple as that. LSU legal isn't going to let them do something that would get them in deeper shite. They'd move her to a closet somewhere and let her collect a check until the case was resolved.
user avatar
saint tiger22533 months
Woodward is a very calculated man, if you haven't noticed that already. He wouldn't fire her, ESPECIALLY with her Title IX allegations, if he didn't have a bulletproof case against her. I know some people are still trying to get used to competent leadership, and it may take a while for some people, but this isn't like the old regime of Alleva. There's a reason why you don't hear much from Woodward in the media. He's too smart to play that game and fall into those traps. And again, if he does do any media interviews, that too is also carefully calculated.
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rob6233 months
Ok so she wants to sue LSU for alleged damages while employed at LSU, does not resign, a large portion of her lawsuit is thrown out, she gets fired, and now wants to continue a suit for being fired. She has been wanted by Saban for his staff for years. There have been many “loose lips” at LSU and they are finally being weeded out.
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Coach Buzzcut33 months
Can someone explain the $50 million in damages? She didn’t experience the sexual assault, but somehow a former athlete with a sports management degree went through a hostile work environment and experienced $50 mil in damages.
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molsusports33 months
Show me where on the doll where I get $50 million.
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HTF4U33 months
be gone .itch
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Jdublsu33 months
How dare they want me gone? I'm only suing them for 50 million. If one of my employees was doing that I would bury them vertical in a post hole in the swamp.
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MrWhipple33 months
How do you dig 7’ down in a swamp? That’s some long azz handles and would get sloppy.
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Paradiddler33 months
Sloppy, but brilliant if you get the depth right.
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coonass2733 months
How wasn’t she fired in April. Seems to me if you sue your employer, you should be escorted out the minute the suit is filed. Kind of a conflict of interest or even similar to continue working a notice fkr a current employer when you are leaving to go work for their direct competitor
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