On Wednesday, LSU introduced a possible new tiger mascot named "Harvey" that arrived on the school's campus August 15th. The 11-month-old Tiger is currently being housed in the night house of the tiger habitat and has not been named Mike VII yet. Per

The tiger, “Harvey,” arrived on campus Aug. 15 and is currently being housed in the night house of the tiger habitat. The 11-month-old, male tiger must be quarantined in the night house for at least one week so that he can be observed by LSU veterinarians to ensure that he is healthy and a good fit for LSU. If that occurs, he will be formally introduced as the new mascot. Until that time, he is not Mike VII.

During the quarantine period, this rescue tiger will be acclimating to his new surroundings and will not be on view to the public or available for the media to photograph; his overall health must come first. Therefore, a photo of Harvey is attached so the LSU community can see him. Please note: Harvey is not Mike VII until he is formally introduced as the new mascot and released into his yard. If that occurs, LSU will notify the media and the public in advance.
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Filed Under: LSU Football
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LeClerc85 months
I don't know.... He's got a big nose.
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SamuelClemens85 months
Harvey, come on down the bayou!
user avatar
Ok no more trailer.... Lets parachute this beast into midfield for the home opener.
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LSUvet7285 months
Get him a laser light and let him chase it into the trailer so we can have a Tiger back roaring in Death Valley. To hell with PETA and the LSU administration.
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Hangit85 months
The vet that is in charge of his care is the one who has decided that he does not want the tiger going in the stadium. He used to have a little game he played saying that he would decide in the morning if he could go. He always decided early that he couldn't. Maybe if we get rid of him the tiger can go enjoy the games again.
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1985 months
Don't celebrate till we have a signed LOI...will we never learn?
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phutureisyic85 months
This big cat has no clue how big he hit the jackpot.
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KYINYOI85 months
His momma named him I'm gonna call him Hervey.
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hombreman985 months
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Hey PETA, STTDB! Harvey looks solid. I hope he brought his binder to the interview. Joe loves binder presentations.
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Lexman185 months
I like the name Harvey The Tiger instead of Mike VII. Change it up! Either way, what a beautiful cat!
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SwampBandit85 months
That dude is a stud, i hope he works out because he sure does have the looks and is going to be i giant with those paws
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Gumbo185 months
Nice! Finally, we get another Mike heir apparent.
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Rakim85 months
LSU is alpha as frick!!! Harvey is gonna win a bunch of titles. I can feel it deep down in my plums...
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Rakim85 months
LSU is alpha as frick!!! Harvey is gonna win a bunch of titles. I can feel it deep down in my plums...
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SirWinston85 months
He's a cutie, mates :cheers:
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JOHNN85 months
Ahhh Harvey Williams... oh how I wish he was back at LSU (in his prime of course).
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HoustonGumbeauxGuy85 months
Kid gonna love the game day meat gluttony
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PsychTiger85 months
Harvey needs a Hannah. Get on it TAF.
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LSUvet7285 months
I tart I saw a puddy tat? - I did ,I did - he be Mike VII .......
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Cdonaldson2785 months
Airbrushed. Has to be. No cat is that fine.
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