On Friday, a Grand Jury rejected the attempted murder charge against suspended LSU running back Trey Holly. Per The Advocate:

A grand jury on Friday rejected the charge of attempted second-degree murder against LSU running back Trey Holly, who was arrested in connection with a shooting earlier this year in Union Parish.

The Union Parish grand jury still charged Holly with one felony count of illegal use of a weapon or dangerous instrumentality. His attorney, Mike Small, said Holly will plead not guilty.

"We look forward to trial before a fair and impartial jury in Union Parish after which I am confident that a verdict of not guilty will be returned," Small said in a press release.
The former four-star prospect from Union Parish rushed for 110 yards and one touchdown during his true freshman season last year.
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Strannix10 months
Nice spin
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Gus Tinsley10 months
Still several charges pending...
It’s not over yet.
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Tigerwm2310 months
Some of ftards on here are part of the problem. There are too many good kids out there that are good players and doing the right thing, and staying out of trouble. But this idiot gets himself involved in a situation with a gun, that obviously is going to have repercussions, and some of you are fine others for the sake of football. What if one day after football is over for Holly and he’s doing the same shite, but this time he hurts or kills someone you love.
Then are you going to defend his actions because he played for LSU? Let him pay for his actions now and get him straight!
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LSU82Cajun10 months
Still glad for Trey( because small towns need heroes who go off to the big school & make it big( Terry Robiskie,Karl Dunbar) but small towns like mine & Farmersville have devolved into poverty/drugs/ violent havens instead of once proud farming hamlets. The Great Society & government intrusion is 100% cause for this .
Now Trey can pursue his dream
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KING NOLA10 months
It’s so weird to me that this kid has never even sniff trouble his whole life and all of a sudden he’s shooting people. I think that sheriff had it in for him, perhaps Trey is his white whale to make a political move from a small one horse town. Hopefully it all works out for Holly because I hate to see his life destroyed before he even start to live.
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SOL210 months
Still not a good look
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idlewatcher10 months
Mr. Crow? Mr. Bama Crow party of 100? Your table is ready.
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Tiger198810 months
He will likely get time. I don’t think this will plead down.
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Locoguan010 months
Felony. Cut him loose, or take the shite that you usually give Bama fans.
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MT55510 months
I bet our Governor wishes he’d get the death penalty
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gizmothepug10 months
Eating Crow is on the menu. One felony charge which will go to a misdemeanor, meaning everyone knows he didn’t shoot anyone.
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CanebreakCajun10 months
He'll be out the whole year.
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Jd7518910 months
District attorneys - you can always count on them to ruin people’s lives all to make a name for themselves.
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TomballTiger10 months
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cajunmud10 months
Crooked cops & prosecutors who are caught in "misdeeds" and send peeps to jail...should be given the EXACT same sentences that those who they've railroaded into prison. THAT SHITT WOULD STOP...YESTERDAY!
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Klark Kent10 months
ooof. based on your post history and all.
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PRIMO3010 months
Man, I hope he keeps better company around him. I’m glad he’s out of trouble.
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GoneFishing2110 months
He’s not out of trouble yet
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WreckinRams0510 months
And that’s why it’s innocent until proven guilty. Give’em hell this year Trey!
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TaderSalad10 months
He’s still facing a felony which means he was there, with a weapon, and fired shots. They just can pin the round that hit somebody on him. Not sure I want that kind of player on the team.
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Johnny Hurt10 months
Don't rush to judgment! Remember Clydrick had to kill somebody who tried to rob him!! It was totally justified. He saved us all a ton of tax dollars.
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