Brandon Gallego / LSU Athletics
Ed Orgeron held his weekly zoom press conference on Tuesday and talked about wide receiver Ja'Marr Chase and defensive tackle Tyler Shelvin opting out of the season.

He also mentioned that he has spoken with two other current players that could opt-out of the season but did not say who they were.

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Filed Under: LSU Football
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Palm Beach Tiger50 months
So basically Shelvin was so overweight that playing this season would probably hurt his draft stock?
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Drizzt50 months
I'm not going to feel sorry for any of these guys who sit out this year and fall to the late rounds of the draft. They are getting some bad advice. If I was a GM I'd wonder if a guy like Shelvin is just taking an excuse to not train and play.
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Jabontik50 months
Its a good decision by Chase. He proved everything he could last year, will be a first round pick for sure. Shelvin, hey who knows its his choice and I respect it. We are not the only team dealing with this thing this year. Coach is handling it great, like he does everything else.
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cajunguy50 months
Chase proved to everyone he a pussy and can't hack it in a major rebuilding year. That's about all what chase proved. Every athlete that sits out from every team is getting wrong advice
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PeteRose50 months
Ogeron:One team one heartbeat. Players: One wallet one pocket.
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keitron150 months
LOL hilarious !!!
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griswold50 months
Covid - the perfect excuse to take the easy road and sit out a season with no negative consequences.
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tubucoco50 months
Tyler Shelvin should have stayed, Orgeron was right to try and talk him into staying. He needed more work, he does need to get down to 330 to 340 pounds, he's too damn heavy right now. Sure, He'll get drafted, but he could have been a top 5 pick if he had stayed and played and dominated this season. I can't think of what other 2 players are thinking about leaving because everyone else needs to stay and play, Marshall is the only 1 that stands out, but even he needs to improve his numbers from last season. Maybe, Jacoby Stevens changed his mind, I hope not, Glen Logan could be another one. Idk.
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Vernonbrew2250 months
God I hope it is Clay Moffit and some backup deep snapper
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El_chantajista50 months
Maybe marshal next
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OU81250 months
His dad is military I believe. If true, he was raised correctly to actually love his country and have good character. I was friends with Chase's dad on Facebook...lets just say he is right in line with the BLM Inc. Rhetoric.
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JakeRStephenes50 months
Start something, finish something. It's no more complicate than that.
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cubsgrace50 months
Actually, it is clearly much more complicated than that.
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Eauxld Geauxld50 months
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SazeracAndBeer50 months
Strong words for someone who didn't finish editing. "FINSIH" lol
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HueyP50 months
It’s the players life and their decisions to freely make. Will just give or players more play time.
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LA Native 7450 months
I know you're right TampaTiger22, those young men names are forever in history and will be making plenty money by this time next year, so they can "rant".
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LA Native 7450 months
News flash neither I with you but I don't have to take any insults like I applied for a scholarship, and I was raised in the 70's to where if you can't say an insult to a man's face don't say it at all but y'all come on here with your little words and if you saw Tyler Shelvin or Jamarr Chase face to face the bi**ch would come out. Don't worry lil fella I'm not from an era of talking s**t and degrading someone's decision because I don't like it. So carry on with your little rant, social media done turnt grown men into lil bit**'s. What anyone else eat don't make me $h*t.
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LSU Tiger Eyes50 months
Now, Now ... most of us would have a civil conversation and not approach with a criminal intent mentality you're exhibiting.
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Eauxld Geauxld50 months
I thought the Rant existed for people to give their opinions. You gave yours.........(or at least what I was able to understand) ...why can't others......?
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voodooidotwo50 months
There is no way this comment came from a 50+ yr old man. You sound like a child.
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LA Native 7450 months
Once again when people's opinion becomes more important than my own let me know and since I can post what the f**k I want and it's my opinion I'm going to, unlike those young men who can't because of their scholarship and retard fans. Type all you want say what you want because I'm a grown man and your words don't bother me little one. Pressing a down vote or my emotions does nothing but pressing me...well I live in Louisiana and I don't do this typing sh*t like that I'd rather have a face to face with the same energy... internet make people real brave, lil buddy I'm not who you looking for.
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rob6250 months
Ok. "Big buddy". Newsflash we don't have to agree with you.
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js159150 months
Sorry. What is bothering you is that your opinion is not important.
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rob6250 months
It matters when they are out supporting a Communist, Terrorist organization in the name of LSU. Some of you spineless idiots would go along with anything because some football or basketball player did it. You will justify anything because you are over invested in a bunch of 18-21 year olds who don'y know shite about the real world. You and your type believe in coddling these young people who live in Twitterverse and think it is reality. I say the same thing about Labron. If he wants to go support China then do it but when he does it in the name of the NBA then of they suffer so be it.
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js159150 months
Labron is a tool.
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tijervait50 months
Some of these 18-21 year olds have seen racism, poverty, violence, hunger and still made it to an elite team in college football because of hard work and talent. They know more about the real world than your sorry self.
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rob6250 months
Hey tigervait, being poor is not racism. Having someone call you a name or the "N" word is not racism. Violence is not racism. There are many causes for these things but racism isn't one of them. It is really strange that all you popcorn farts pop off about racism without ever really knowing what it is and damn sure have never seen it. Some of us are old enough to have truly witnessed racism in its true form. It was truly institutionalized bach in the 60's but it isn't now. Nowadays, it is alleged for damn near everything and most of the time is just an attempt to fan flames and cause trouble. The Jacob Blake situation is exactly that. The truth is that he is a criminal with a warrant for sexual assault. The Police came to prevent this turd from harassing a Woman who had called for help. Blake resisted arrest and fought with the Police. He then went to get a knife. The police had no way of knowing if this moron was getting a gun, knife, or whatever and they shot him because they were fearful of their safety. You and your type want to run around in the streets and scream racism when it is nothing of the sort. I know what racism is and I also know what it is not.
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LA Native 7450 months
If these players wanted to have a peaceful protest it was their right and business, no one was hurt and nothing wrong was said but when I read the comments about their protest from their supposed fan base, I don't blame them for anything they choose to do. Since everyone can put their 2cents in on other people decision, I say go run, catch, and throw the damn ball yourself, and I'll decide if I like anything you do. O by the way keep your 2cents cause I can give 2f**KS.
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Eauxld Geauxld50 months
Gosh darn, what a mature outlook.
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ExpoTiger50 months
Then why do you keep chirping if dont give 2 fricks. Relax. You sound like a hysterical woman.
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RightWingTiger50 months
If u were raised in the ‘70’s ur really immature for ur age & not too bright either! Glad that not all grown men, especially those ur age, still talk like an uneducated moron like you seem to chief. Ur embarrassing urself & I’m sure anyone that actually knows you as well!
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Shelvin will be 400+ by next NFL draft and probably a 5-6th rounder due to his inability to stay in shape and small sample size. Kid will easily lose $10-5 million off this bad decision.
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rob6250 months
This "season" is going to be nothing more than glorified scrimmages. I give this year little credibility and BLM is a fuking joke. If any of these players want "opt out" over their concern for a rapist & criminal like Jacob Blake then they are beyond radicals and can go. I don't care if half the team goes to make their "statement". Oh and Covid is blown far out of proportion. 94% of Covid deaths are to people with other serious complications. It hardly has any impact at all on young people. Hell I am told I had it and never knew it. Fuk it.
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BassMan6350 months
Well its rob62's right to voice his opinion. I dont like blm either nor jacob blake and his criminal arse and the covid crap is a joke. And Im not white. So whats your point. Quit calling out a white man for expressing his beliefs. You think because you black only your words count. STFU
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rob6250 months
Hey SuckFickNaban, this is for you and all that worship Labron and BLM (which he cares so much about). Here is some reality for you. Labron says he supports BLM and their terrorist ways because there is so much "institutional racism" in the USA (he prefers Cina). Well Mr Labron makes MILLIONS fro. The sale of his Jersey, souvenirs, and his likeness on all kinds of crap. The crap he makes money from is made in China by workers who are vastly underpaid and are forced labor by the Chinese Government. He is profiting big time by exploiting Chinese labor where they scratch out a meager existence so he can make MILLIONS. Labron is a fuking hypocrite and a liar. He is also a disgrace to the USA. He is a dumbass in every sense of the word and has no problem letting China exploit workers in his name and for his benefit while telling America how bad it is. He can go straight to Hell and you can go with him. Fuk you.
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Pianoman50 months
BLM is a pure Marxist organization who only cares about black lives if they're killed by white lives, not the hundreds killed by other blacks EVERY YEAR in big cities like Chicago......ALL LIVES MATTER.
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Godfather150 months
If one of those other two is Terrace Marshall, we are F-U-C-T fricked.
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Chuckiee50 months
Marshall still has something to prove IMO. We all know he is a freak but he has a chance to be the guy now and I think it's an opportunity he knows he needs to shine at.
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Fabulous Moolah50 months
BLM marches solve everything!
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AustinKnight50 months
I’m pulling for Shelvin but there really isn’t much History to go on when thinking he is going to shape up on his own before the combine if he is out of shape now. None
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TigerFan111150 months
I trust coach
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