LSU head coach Will Wade met with the media after Wednesday night's win over ULL in the NIT and did not hold back when he was asked about the chippy ending of the game.

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Filed Under: LSU Basketball
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OU81283 months
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QJenk83 months
Normally, i would not be pumped at all about being in the NIT. But with Wade, i can't wait til our next game. Hes got me fired up to play and I cant even shoot a free throw!
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BlackTiger8983 months
Damn auto correct have me looking bad with all those typos
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BlackTiger8983 months
Just that rant he went on can land a top 10 recruit!!! His aggression is un matched! I love it! If we had a coach like this is the shaq era, & big baby era! We'll the championships those years!! I cant wait till that talent rolls in next year!! We will Dominate!!!
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LesnarF583 months
USL needs LSU not the other way around. Hope we send our recruits a transcript of all of this and a tape of the game, they're not even here yet and they'd be fired up.
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SpartyGator83 months
Frick ULL
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Tommy Patel83 months
"Wade on last timeout: Since they don't get to play us very often, I thought they should get to sit there and enjoy playing us" WADE
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SomeLSUguy83 months
Savage Beast
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AustinKnight83 months
I’m falling more and more everyday
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bigDgator83 months
Sounds like Jim McElwain
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Genestealer5583 months
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jpbmill83 months
Get out, troll
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Pankins83 months
He must've been a really successful coach
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randybobandy83 months
ULL has always tried too hard to be relevant. They got what they axed for Cher'
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NASA_ISS_Tiger83 months
Coach Wade looks like he has all the makings of another Dale Brown. That's a good start!
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CL810083 months
Dale brown was a good recruiter, coach ah not so much. John Brady was a really good coach but sorta lacked in recruiting. Will wade is good in recruiting and coaching but can lsu keep him with Lsu sub par arena, facilities, equipment for the sport of basketball. It's one of last in the sec, one of the worst in the country. Hope they move fast cause wade is a rising star that can build a program to new heights. Why doesn't Lsu just cough up the cash and upgrade the facilities and arena as asked and promised to will wade? What are they waiting on?
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TigerMyth3683 months
You can't say Dale was a bad coach. He got to the final 4 twice. He was an odd coach. He could win without outstanding talent, but he couldn't win with outstanding talent. How we didn't dominate with Shaq, Chris Jackson and Stanley Roberts is one of the worlds greatest mysteries.
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Drizzt83 months
I like this guy
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Rebel83 months
The timeout one liner was just brutal.
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doya283 months
The next Bob Knight
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Tiger Dominance83 months
How can such a young coach have so much swagger?!?
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tigerMike83 months
"Since they don't get to play us very often, I thought they should get to sit there and enjoy playing us" That's Spurrier level trolling right there. A+
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safetyman83 months
I love that statement. got to love Coach Wade
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AustinKnight83 months
Well hopefully that can go in chapter 1 on our way to a story
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dj3083 months
fricking deal with it!!
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Witecoco83 months
That comment about the time out. Savage. I love it.
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Walt OReilly83 months
Love the comments
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Sid in Lakeshore83 months
"Since they don't get to play us very often, I thought they should get to sit there and enjoy playing us"......LOL
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SomeLSUguy83 months
I'm all jacked up on Mountain Dew and Will Wade! ...They come in the red headed step child, talkin noise, what'd they think was going to happen? I know what they did not expect; that our 35 yr old coach to go all spider monkey on their arses. Love it!
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