Favorite team:LSU 
Location:downtown Fishville
Number of Posts:2510
Registered on:2/3/2007
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re: 1st team all pro

Posted by cheeser on 1/11/25 at 12:11 pm
What was the contract worth he signed w/Cinny ? What was his contract worth in NO ?...
I suppose you're too young to remember Jim Brown or Barry Sanders :cheers: There have been too many great def. players to remember to pick out the Badger as being best...
Anybody remember a guy named David Thompson ?...

re: $1.3 million

Posted by cheeser on 7/5/24 at 8:46 pm
Like the old adage goes , Money ain't everything but it's way ahead of whatever's in second place ....

re: I can no longer defend Angel Reese

Posted by cheeser on 6/4/24 at 7:39 am
Count me in on the never watched crowd. FWIW I'll never watch those LGBFRTWT'S :spank:...

re: Got any Aggie Jokes?

Posted by cheeser on 11/21/22 at 3:29 pm
My favorite is a guy was driving A new BMW down a country road , and had to stop because a herd of sheep were crossing the road . When they were all finally across , the sheep herder & his sheep dog brought up the rear. The guy driving the BMW hails the sheep herder over to the car. The driver asked...
[quote]Favorite to win the FCS Heisman. May as well leave with a bang![/quote] Off year ...
Have you guys ever heard of a fellow named Adam Miller ? I think he'll be a household name if given a chance ,and this coach is smart .I think LSU will be a lot better than expected....
Just out of curiosity, I wonder exactly which group this shite is directed towards . I am a 35 year registered Republican , and I can tell you I don't think kids raised by Republicans have to be told of the importance of voting .Blacks being as smart as they are, it's obviously not geared towards the...
A perfect replacement for MT's spot on the training table & bench....
One thing i noticed that i guess it just han't dawned on me, but Daniels weighs 226 . My God, how does he have that much agility at that weight. No wonder he can take those big hits & still get up . ...

re: Coaches visits this week

Posted by cheeser on 10/26/22 at 3:39 pm
[quote]Message Coaches visits this week by Damathe quote: Vinnie "Ice Pick" Pescatore? Guido "The Snake" Luciano? Luigi "Fingers" Indelicato? Whoa! I thought "Snake" was his real name. Sheesh! [/quote]Guido "The Snake" Luciano? Hey , you probably just have him confused with Rattler....

re: What is your ideal # of playoff teams?

Posted by cheeser on 10/24/22 at 12:13 pm
[quote]Odds are, we’re going to either end up with 4 super conferences or some stupid 16 team playoff that’s nothing but rematches. [/quote] You must mean a 16 team playoff , one that the FBC ( I think that's what it's called) , that is the smaller schools , that has been in use for at least 60 ye...
If Dalton was black , there would be one hell of a QB controversary . If Winston were white he would be cursed and damned and demanded to be released. The uproar on his sorry arse would be deafening....

re: $10M lawsuit filed against Kamara

Posted by cheeser on 10/16/22 at 11:28 am
I can bet you one thing . If that had been you having a gang try to beat you to death while being unconscious , you would tell 'em to stick that $10 million up their collective asses. Nothing short of $50 million would be what all the lawsuits would come up to if it were me ....
Never has one man been paid so much for doing so little . Not even Hunter Biden....