Could high school QB Mikey Gow be changing the game of football forever? This young man can throw accurately with both arms...
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“He’s a competitor. He’s a gamer. He’s a kid that just gets it," former head coach Nathan Liess told Smith. "It’s pretty obvious once you’re around him there is some special qualities to him. He brings a good quarterback, number one. So, that’s obviously a big thing, but he brings attention. Kids are excited to play with him. Hopefully he continues to bring better players to Bellevue East."
(The Spun)

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KCSunshine28 months
Big time advantage. Teams have to basically prepare for 2 guys. If he can hide tendencies etc it works
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theBru28 months
Thought they only used 1 ball at a time during a game...
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Datbayoubengal28 months
Kid will never have to throw across his body in a game with that talent.
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p084533028 months
This idiot can’t even pronounce ambidextrous properly.
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AlextheBodacious28 months
Michael Vick throws further with his right arm but played lefty because he’s more accurate with it.
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Dandy Chiggins28 months
Maybe it’s just me, but I don’t see how it’s that big of a deal in football. I understand the baseball application.
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Mud_Bone28 months
Soooooooo he can throw interceptions from his left and right hand.
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ThatTahoeOverThere28 months
So much for a left handed stranger
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Purple Spoon28 months
Not trying to hate on the kid but if he’s average with both arms that does not equal great with either
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TigerCoon28 months
He runs like a gooney bird.
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lastfan28 months
He should pitch as well - being able to throw left handed to lefty hitters and right handed to righties would be a huge advantage.
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baytiger1128 months
Dude can audible so that he never has the other teams best pass rusher coming at his blind side
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jbird728 months
“Do you think it’s an advantage to be an ambidextrous QB?” Uhhhhhh ya. What a stupid arse question lol
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Clark1428 months
Heck, I’d give my right arm to be ambidextrous.
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AllenTXTiger28 months
@ Clark14 Now that's an oxymoron if I every heard one...(-:
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Sterling Archer28 months
That's pretty damn impressive
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SPEEDY28 months
That’s narrator’s voice is like fingernails on a chalkboard
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