Favorite team:LSU 
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Registered on:11/24/2015
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He was still going strong on Sunday morning as well. It was pretty sad....

re: Shaq on Angel Reese Dunking in Shorts

Posted by lastfan on 11/11/24 at 8:30 pm
They’d pay her if enough women gave enough of a crap to watch her and buy her merch. Men aren’t gonna watch that shite, so the women complaining that the WNBA stars don’t get paid enough need to put their asses in the seats and watch that unwatchable crap....
[img]https://media1.popsugar-assets.com/files/thumbor/wL6LF0L0pDFw_0ZC1mwdye-YS5c/fit-in/1024x1024/filters:format_auto-!!-:strip_icc-!!-/2014/09/18/888/n/1922283/1963fb923086869d_tumblr_m9dxd0kJs31qfg5eoo3_250/i/Self-Caress.gif[/img] :lol:...
frick that - I went to LSU during the Hallman years… after that shite, alcohol is a must....

re: LSU to be fined 250k

Posted by lastfan on 11/11/24 at 5:13 pm

re: LSU to be fined 250k

Posted by lastfan on 11/11/24 at 4:51 pm
I know, but it was needed for emphasis. And on this site, it’s basically a term of endearment anyway :lol:...

re: LSU to be fined 250k

Posted by lastfan on 11/11/24 at 4:44 pm
It just means more, bitch...
[quote]Recruiting is a trip. Son flipped today [/quote] No one flips like Gaston, or takes trips like Gaston…...

re: Brian Kelly - nailed it!

Posted by lastfan on 11/10/24 at 7:34 pm
[quote]Why are you so angry baw[/quote] He’s hurt - lashing out is how he deals with it....

re: OU Football - Rock Bottom

Posted by lastfan on 11/10/24 at 7:33 pm
[quote]CharlotteSooner is a complete bitch.[/quote] There’s another one almost as bad — soonerd or something close to that....

re: Brian Kelly - nailed it!

Posted by lastfan on 11/10/24 at 7:07 pm
I have no idea why the players responded to that with anything but a collective eye roll. That was cringe as frick....
I was pulling for Ole Miss. I imagine most of us root for the underdog. We need new blood in CFB....

re: See you in the SEC championship game

Posted by lastfan on 11/10/24 at 2:06 pm
We may have a path, but we sure as hell don’t have the team....
Our most impressive game was against Arkansas. I thought we turned a corner that game. Unfortunately we were steamrolled twice after we rounded that corner....
[quote]I feel like every one of this guy's posts should be bumped just to rub the other LSU fans' faces in this stupidity.[/quote] It’s almost worse than last night’s game. Not sure what he’s getting out of these early morning posts....

re: Gators, get ready

Posted by lastfan on 11/10/24 at 7:53 am
Don’t worry, our first string QB will give you guys some easy setups deep in our territory. Your QB won’t have to do much work....
Because Nuss is no threat to run. Takes an option away that other teams have....

re: Its about to go down

Posted by lastfan on 11/9/24 at 6:46 pm
You bet your sweet dyke arse it is....

re: Tonight we are all gumps!

Posted by lastfan on 11/9/24 at 6:45 pm