A high school band director in Ohio gave the referee an earful before the game and got his team a 15 yard penalty along with an ejection. Gotta love that passion...
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(Barstool Sports)
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Drizzt26 months
Refs were obviously in the bands way as they were leaving the field. Probably telling the refs to get out of the kids way and the refs got huffy. Most high school refs are losers on a power trip.
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Recoveringcajun26 months
Looks like their click bait worked.
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Dickses26 months
When I played our band would get penalties for being too strong.Tyrann and JaMarrs dads know what I'm talking about.Trojan4Life!!
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southernboisb26 months
Band was leaving the field...what can you argue about?
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Modern26 months
Ref learned a life lesson. Don’t fuk with the band……
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Mid Iowa Tiger26 months
Lol. I almost got an unsportman like penalty last year from the scores box. I was running the clock and leaned over to the announcer and said a little to loudly the call was terrible (it was) not realizing the Mike was hot. It was broadcast throughout the stadium and they assessed a sideline warning.
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NPComb26 months
Love the passion!
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62Tigerfan26 months
Son of a mother duck! Was that Coach Hines?
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BowDownToLSU26 months
If I was coaching I’d be pissed
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TFH26 months
I didn’t know penalties could be assessed prior to the start of the game. Thrown out, sure.
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atltiger648726 months
happens more often than you think - but usually on players getting in pre-game fights with the opposing players.
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jctiger7326 months
By rule, the officials take control of the game 30 minutes before kickoff.
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Akit126 months
2001 Auburn/LSU. Auburn got a penalty I think for stomping on eye. LSU opened with onsides kick.
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RedPop426 months
I realize we need good high school sports officials, but so many across so many sports are looking for trouble. They're emotional and so worried about being shown-up. Band kids work hard, too.
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TFH26 months
Fill me in on what happened? Video is garbage
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GeauxTigers010726 months
They're probably sick and tired of getting jumped by players and more importantly coaches and parents that they're all running on short fuses. I don't blame them either.
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