'Shooter McGavin' Actor Creeping Out This Bikini Girl Or Helping Her With Her Golf Swing?
Jason Getz-USA TODAY Sports
The actor ho played "Shooter McGavin" from the movie Happy Gilmore, Christopher McDonald, likes to continue to play the persona of that character on the golf course. Which as you'll see, involves creeping out girls...
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Filed Under: Golf
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Gatorbait200873 months
That girl has had dick in her for money for years. This is a normal day for that whore.
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Nguyener73 months
Whyd you call him a ho?
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Happygilmore73 months
This guy really pisses me off
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SECdragonmaster73 months
Shooter does not hover hand.
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jp4lsu73 months
"I eat little pieces of sh!t like you for breakfast"
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surgicalvenom73 months
He isn't actually rubbing up against her. Everyone looks like they are having fun. Of course, her therapist will convince her she was being abused in 10 years.
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El Magnifico73 months
She doesn't look creeped out to me.
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Paddyshack73 months
Shooter stealing Chubbs' move
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gcmoney373 months
It's all in the hips
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Gumbo173 months
More power to him! She wanted to be the attention.
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ExpoTiger73 months
If you are wearing a bikini and heels on a golf course I don’t want to hear about an old guy being creepy.
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lsu48073 months
Damn you people, go back to your shanties
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SG_Geaux73 months
Can't think of her name but that chick is a comedian that loves being on camera and being an attention whore.
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Redbone73 months
bullshite. No where in America is there a pretty girl in a bikini on a golf course not expecting to be creeped on.
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BigPerm3073 months
Shooters shoot
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JackieTreehorn73 months
Tying to reach the green from here Shooter?
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TigerLunatik73 months
I bet he told her to meet him at the 9th green and 9 and to dress sexy.
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luciouslou73 months
I've been to every golf course in the South . Ive never seen nothing like that. Only fat rich losers in the clubhouse
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BowDownToLSU73 months
Escort service
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randomways73 months
Once you're being filmed out on the golf course with a bikini, I'm pretty sure you're looking at everything as a career move. I'd lay money this girl hasn't been creeped out by a man's attention since her skeevy uncle attended her Sweet 16.
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