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Location:Kame House
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Registered on:3/18/2013
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Anyone have posts or proof about when the wind and rain is projected to start hitting Nola metro area? Is it moved up from noon/1 estimates?...
[quote]we're less than 24 hours away from a hurricane making landfall affecting thousands of people on this board. will everyone who is being a retard kindly stop being a retard and let real, necessary information flow?[/quote] When did you become an Iowa State fan?...
[quote]Tomato based jambalaya is disgusting[/quote] Tomato based? Like red with paste? True Adding in some fresh backyard grown roasted and skinned creole tomatoes after you sweat the trinity? Delicious. Fight me . ...
Do you know how many problems in your own life and local community you should be concerned with and instead you waste your time on this completely unnecessary nonsense no one should even know about much less care about?...
Did the hurricane thread knock down the levee holding back the poliboard? ...
Hold on. I’m going to go start a thread for vegans. Some of them have problems in the hurricane thread but they can’t have beef. BRB...
[quote]He's going around putting extra staples in the Ten Commandments posters[/quote] This is bullshite. What he should be doing is mandating school closures through Monday and redirecting the extra teacher manpower available to distribute toilet paper and waters to underprepared communities. Exc...
[quote]More eastward movement. Most models are now showing East of Baton Rouge. [/quote] [img]https://media3.giphy.com/media/NsIycCG2BWmt5AP9vu/200.gif?cid=790b7611972k7o7koaz2raymcybwb8rulfiwkdfijthmzhvk&ep=v1_gifs_search&rid=200.gif&ct=g[/img]...
Felt cute. Thought I’d shitpost the hurricane thread. Might delete later. IDK. ...
[img]https://weathernerds.org/tc_guidance/images/AL06_2024091006_GEFS_0-120h_large.png?1725968128[/img] Anyone else notice the track is more East than it was predicted Sunday?...
[img]https://www.nhc.noaa.gov/storm_graphics/AT06/AL062024_most_likely_toa_34.png[/img] Well let’s hope I can land at MSY Tuesday night ...
I see the armchair doom casting has begun. I’d recommend anyone not familiar with these threads to pay attention to official updates with links but not freak about posts without links with news they overheard from a friend about expectations of a storm possibly picking up alligators and sharks and t...
[quote]If the current models hold, we are on the favorable west side[/quote] The West is the Best ~Jim Morrison ...
[quote]But why though?[/quote] [img]https://media1.tenor.com/m/M5eui_cSgFAAAAAd/dave-chapelle-chapelle-show.gif[/img]...
All I do is Nguyen was taken It was between this and GoneWithNguyen...
[quote]it just depends on where that defined center of circulation occurs[/quote] What’s the current prediction on when this occurs? and I assume 10am central is the next major NWC update right?...
[quote]This is going to get NOLA’s attention:[/quote] [img]https://media1.tenor.com/m/eUsuMNCI9sEAAAAd/good-day-to-you-sir.gif[/img]...
What time is the next official NWC update? Are they on a fixed schedule?...
[quote]The shite part about hurricanes for me is that I can't leave due to my job[/quote] Same. But I can drive my wife and kids out the way and then get back here to open the business. That’s what’s important is getting my house and business prepped and getting my wife and kids out. I’ll be here ...
[quote]Weren’t you one who evacuated for Ida after following here? [/quote] Yep [quote] Your parents didn’t want to leave?[/quote] Yep. I ended up taking my wife and kids out. Good move as we had damage to the house. I don’t want my kids to develop the PTSD I have with these stupid things b...