Golfer Paige Spiranac Wished You A Very, Very, Very, Merry Christmas
© Kirby Lee-USA TODAY Sports
And they say Santa isn't real, ha...

Happy Holidays! What are you hoping you get this year?


When the wind hits your hair and you feel like Beyoncé for a second
Also I hope everyone had a very Merry Christmas and having a happy Holidays Can’t believe this year is almost done! What’s one thing you want to change or work on for next year?

Filed Under: Golf
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Stretch Suba61 months
Glad to see she got over being offended that people only view her as a sex object.
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Jabontik61 months
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stateofplay61 months
Golfer? Lol this is just another instagram model seeking attention
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Drizzt62 months
They are real and they are amazing
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Vacherie Saint62 months
She has a body like a female comic book super villain
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luciouslou62 months
I've done better
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Redbone62 months
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Wild Thang62 months
I want to put my penis in her vagina
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Godfather162 months
She’s been posting a lot of this really teasing stuff in her FB stories lately. It’s like she’s in heat.
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tbabino62 months
world class jugs
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P-Dawg62 months
Her philtrum game is strong.
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ItNeverRains62 months
Her body is phenom but she has man face.
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TailbackU62 months
No need looking at the mantle while you're poking the fire
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GoRuckTiger62 months
Hnnnngggg. She is fine af but how odd is that she isn’t married to some pro athlete or billionaire by now? Too fine to be single.
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BobABooey62 months
PaIGe has been engaged to minor league baseball player Steven Tinoco since 2016.
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bamagreycoat61 months
@BobABooey, really man? A minor league baseball player gets to wake up next to her and have morning coitus? That is truly shocking and unbelievable.
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USEyourCURDS62 months
Dat ESPYs pic doe
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caliegeaux62 months
I just “wished” her something all over my monitor.
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StadiumDormRat'7262 months
for God's sake, man, use a tissue...or a sock
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BobABooey62 months
Bitch better have my money.
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Pandy Fackler62 months
Chicks with dicks.
user avatar
Godfather162 months
figs with TD accounts.
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