Golfer Paige Spiranac Takes On The Haters On Twitter
© Kirby Lee-USA TODAY Sports
Golfer Paige Spiranac has received a lot of criticism for being an "Instagram Golfer" that wears outfits that show off her figure, while not being a good enough golfer to go pro. This week she unloaded on her haters through Twitter...
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You can’t really see it but I’m holding my putter so this is in fact golf content #golf #golflife #golfsohard #seriousgolfer

Filed Under: Golf
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Buckeye Jeaux59 months
Hard to please the guys who are texting from Christopher Street.
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Funky Tide 859 months
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TigerFan5555559 months
1 Just an instaslut, golf didnt make you famous, your titties did... and you knew it, you took advantage of it (american way) but cant play both sides... show your tits and get paid same way a stripper or prostitute does... no different because of the platforms... 2. Just shut up and do porn...
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MightyYat59 months
She’s like those hot girls that dress as Japanese Anime characters at Comic Con. She knows the type of guy that follows golf closely will pay whatever amount for her digital content. She’s toting around a couple of sweater lottery tickets. Good for her.
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scrooster59 months
Honestly .... Gabbie Carter has better (natural) sweater puppies AND a better swing, especially off the tee. Very decent short game too. Plus Gabbie Carter is just cuter and sweeter.
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HalfCocked59 months
Just googled Gabby Carter. I agree with you completely and didn't even make it to seeing her swing a golf club if you catch my drift.
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LesnarF559 months
It will be awesome when she decises to go into porn!!!
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Wild Thang59 months
I want to put my penis in her vagina regardless :)
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WinnPtiger59 months
alright. her 15 minutes are up. she’s now crossed into annoyance territory. oh, and her tits fake
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Redbone59 months
Haters gonna hate. I'll give her another 15 minutes.
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JackieTreehorn59 months
Some people can’t just leave bullshite out of it and appreciate a fabulous set of tits willingly shared.
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WithaRebelYell59 months
If she doesn’t do a Got Milk? ad I’ve lost all hope in marketing.
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auburnu00859 months
This bimbo is so fricking annoying. Shut up and just show your tits hoebag.
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crossfire59 months
Do you know how to Google?
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elposter59 months
I don't know why anyone cares about what she does/doesn't do, whether she is a good golfer, or whether she is a hypocrite or whatever. Just enjoy her tits and keep it moving. If anything we should be encouraging her to show more, not less.
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PensaTigers59 months
There's plenty of tits to go around on the internet. What needs to happen is stop pumping instasluts full of cash. They damn sure don't deserve it and now they're out here trying to retain their dignity like cash for doing absolutely nothing isn't enough.
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tketaco59 months
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Drew Brews59 months
Wake me when she makes her Brazzers debut. It's the next logical step.
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PEPE59 months
The guy is completely right. You don't get to actively whore yourself out and then fake outrage when called a whore.
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PensaTigers59 months
This. All day. Just accept you have no dignity and enjoy your cash like a good object that doesn't deserve respect.
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Placekicker59 months
I’d be her shoulder to cry on.
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Julius Sneezer59 months
Calling her a golfer is like calling Oweo a Hall of Fame poster
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El Magnifico59 months
I'd probably tongue her butthole
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PillageUrVillage59 months
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CAD703X59 months
lol @ paige acting like she doesn't understand why people comment on her boobs.
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Godfather159 months
For such a hot woman, she is INCREDIBLY insecure.
user avatar
That’s how you know she puts out rather easily.
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PensaTigers59 months
It's always in the back of her head that she has nothing to be proud of in life.
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