Despite ESPN's rocky road the last couple years with layoffs and such, there are still some raking in the cash...
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Filed Under: General Sports
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TFH8 months
SAS being on TV is all the proof I need that we need more chlorine in the gene pool
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HarryBalzack8 months
I'd give Laura Rutledge several raises.
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cajunmud8 months
Used Car Salesmen! There's still hope for that big payday (SAS).
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Ssubba8 months
Surprised at no Chris Fowler.
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ncinthenext38 months
Sam Ponder gives me a raise.
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ncinthenext38 months
Steven A talkingis the fastest way to get me to change the channel.
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NorthstarinLA8 months
Why does anybody even listen to that guy, wouldn't pay him $1...he just make outrageous statements for clicks. Aikmen is the only one worth the $$ on that list.
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Sevensblue8 months
The chicks are worth it. Everyone else nah
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Geaux Guy8 months
Troy Aikman and Joe Buck? They must have some secret videos or something.
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southernboisb8 months
I thought PM was fired.
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JackieTreehorn8 months
Joe Buck and his lipstick. What a clown
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NC_Tigah8 months
Is Stephen A. Smith worth the money? ROTFLMAO! If SAS disappeared tomorrow, no one would even miss him.
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pkf4lsu8 months
You know if they wouldn’t make these public along with pro athletes, the world would be a better place.
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3deadtrolls8 months
It's a shame that a manly name like Joe Buck was wasted on a dude like Joe Buck.
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Domeskeller8 months
Wow, imagine paying Troy Aikman that much money to say "good job" all the time.
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idlewatcher8 months
Can we pay toward a collective so he won’t be on air?
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KennabraTiger8 months
McAfee is the only one worth that much
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NASA_ISS_Tiger8 months
Dude has a 2 hour show and never really says anything of substance. I disagree. I see them cancelling that show in a year maybe 2 at the most.
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SwampyWaters8 months
Now I remember why I don't watch ESPN anymore. Aikman and Smith annoy me the most! He has no personality and it's like watching a cardboard cutout. Smith is just a bigmouth idiot! I guess if you make so much money, you have to spend it somehow!
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Black n Gold8 months
I know one way ESPN can quickly add $68M to their bottom line.
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6R128 months
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