With Halloween parties less than two months away, I have decided to be proactive and try to get my costume nailed down early. I have typically wait until the last week, and by then, it is too late and I end up laming out in some vampire outfit I have worn numerous times in the past.

I am determined to be a chicken this year. Ideally, I would want the chicken head to look like this:

Image Link

I like the high comb on top, the stern look, and the appearance of a goatee...all in purple.

Past searches for chicken costumes have left me disappointed...until now.

Some guy named Timmy (not his real name) sent me a link to a site that can customize costumes:


Here is the video of the chicken head:

Might be a little creepy, but with some customization, I might be able to get it to look like my avatar, and be the hit of the party.

I would want a higher comb, and maybe a smaller beak. I will still need the body and the hands/feet, which will tie everything together (might be able to just do feet and gloves with a regular outfit like a suit). I think this place just does heads.

Thoughts on the look?
Filed Under: General Interest
user avatar
brass2mouth184 months
Go as Michaelangelo's David
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ShiggityShaw184 months
I want this bad boy but it cost 400 dollars.

Image Link
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ajs008184 months
Screw the wookie costume, If I got that I would look like an ewok.
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TheDoc184 months

Tags: Halloween, costume, chicken, creepy


what is the history of your name, chicken?

just curious

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Chicken184 months

what is the history of your name, chicken?
I would prefer not to say...I like this site to maintain some of its mystery...
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Bleeding purple184 months
bring straws to the partys you attend if you plan to drink .
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Joe184 months
Whoa...we can embed youtube videos now?
user avatar
BlueCrab184 months

I might be able to get it to look like my avatar,

The chicken in your avatar looks gay IMHO.
Also Chicken, the imaginary names you choose are somewhat disturbing. Otherwise I enjoy your posts. :thup:
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Kajungee184 months
Chicken you know you enjoyed when you wore this one.

Blast from the past

Subservient Chicken
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just me184 months
Can I use that video to discipline my kids from now on? I can't think of anything more effective than to threaten to show them "Chicken Beak" if they misbehave:

"No daddy, no. Don't make us watch the Chicken Beak. We'll be extra good."
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S184 months
my best costume of all time was a bag of spinach a couple years ago during the spinach scare. this year i think im going to be horatio cane if my hair is long enough to come over the way he does.
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CocomoLSU184 months

Some guy named Timmy

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Meatloaf184 months
:ahh: That is creepy lookin..
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CaptainsWafer184 months

Might be a little creepy

A little creepy?
user avatar
DollaChoppa184 months
I need someone to do milli vanilli with me

eta: What is that chickin in your avvy from anyway?
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offshoreangler184 months
That looks creepy as hell.
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rondo184 months

I will still need the body and the hands/feet, which will tie everything together (might be able to just do feet and gloves with a regular outfit like a suit). I think this place just does heads

I think you should just do the head IMO
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LSUFAN06184 months
thing looks scary
user avatar
Cutty713184 months
way more than just a little creepy
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