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Location:Inside your dome.
Occupation:Shit stirrer (allegedly).
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Registered on:2/20/2004
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People are usually pretty good about avoiding them outright or at least labeling them as needed. The Black Sails thread was fine with it for the most part. ...
I also think only iwy and I have never seen it, so it’s a rewatch for everyone else. Not sure if that matters or not. I have a major complaint about the show already but I’ll wait and see if it works itself out. :lol:...
[quote]I have a firm belief that you shouldn't be able to eat a restaurant until you've worked at one for a week and you shouldn't criticize a teacher unless you've volunteered in a classroom for a week.[/quote] Well that’s the dumbest fricking thing I’ve read all week. Nice work. ...
Are we sticking with 3 episodes a week? Bc I plan on going faster than that. :lol:...
Did they put peepee in our coke?...
[quote]Waving to someone after they let you over in traffic[/quote] You mean saying thank you? That’s just common courtesy and people who don’t thank others when that happens can get fricked. :lol:...

re: Campus pressure washing

Posted by CocomoLSU on 7/26/24 at 1:17 pm
I’d do it for a hefty fee. But you’re right. I walked all over campus Monday and every piece of concrete could use a good PW. I can only imagine how satisfying it would be to do half the quad and see your progress. That’s the best thing about pressure washing. :lol:...
I’ve often joked that once AI sex dolls are perfected, women are doomed. But there is a twinge of truth to that. But in all honesty the blame lies almost purely at the feet of social media and the like. It has created insanely lofty requirements by most people (women especially, but men as well ...

re: Best cybertruck mod I’ve seen

Posted by CocomoLSU on 7/26/24 at 12:27 pm
That’s pretty badass....
[quote]So the robots aren't going to take our jobs yet?[/quote] [img]https://y.yarn.co/55aeb61f-7a1c-4f31-804f-a8a811eba6c2_text.gif[/img]...
[quote]sidewalkside[/quote] You aren’t as shitty of a thread starter as Oweo or prplehaze, but dammit you’re close. ...
Good for him (and his animals). What’s stupid is I bet the same people upset and bitching about this are the same exact ones who support all the PETA types of batshit insanity about protecting animals. ...
[quote]Just for you, Tori trying to fill the void left by Kelley and Jessie in Saved by the Bell almost ruined the show. I know there were contract shenanigans and it wasn't initially planned, but it was so jarring.[/quote] Yeah the Tori episodes weren’t on the same level but they were still solid....
[quote]ruined The Ted McGinley Award[/quote] If you're referring to Married With Children, you can meet me at the nearest Sonic for a fistfight. Jefferson was awesome on MWC...much better than Steve (who I also liked though). And he was actually on it for twice as long as Steve as well. ...
Probably. Because I can never remember those damn things anyway. :dunno:...
Good for him cashing in on his current popularity. Hollywood stardom doesn’t last very long for most people, so might as well get in and get yours while you can. Hell, Sam Jackson still says yes to every role he sees and he’s been famous for nearly four decades now. :lol:...
[quote]Article has dash cam of a trucker showing the perp take out a car seat with the kid and put it on the sidewalk. Thankfully there were some good people around to immediately come to the child's aid. [/quote] [quote]that was a different case[/quote] Yeah that annoyed me that the video attach...
Is this Price is Right rules? If so, $1.00....

re: Just Finished The Wire

Posted by CocomoLSU on 7/25/24 at 7:58 am
Still the GOAT series for me. Haven't seen another one reach its level yet. And upon rewatches, S5 is actually pretty damn good outside of the one main dumb plot....