According to the Daily Beast, FIFA has said that Budweiser's non-alcoholic "Budweiser Zero" will be the only brand of beer sold at the stadiums during the World Cup...
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(The Spun)
Filed Under: Soccer
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jnethe127 months
That’s what you dumbasses get for catering to them.
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Palm Beach Tiger27 months
Fifa committee needs to take a shellacking for choosing Effing Qatar to host the world cup.
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Bucktail127 months
It was bought and paid for
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JackieTreehorn27 months
Well that’s what they make pills for.
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conman27 months
Those ragheads are the biggest hypocrites. They spout off all this holier than thou bs but you will find them at the nearest gentlemen’s club getting shitfaced and buying whores.
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BatonRougeBuckeye27 months
oh I love to get shitfaced and buy whores
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fr33manator27 months
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Intelligent27 months
Let's be real. Shitfaced European soccer fans in Qatar was never going to work.
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diat15027 months
they should have connected a hotel to the stadium then they could have had alcohol and whores galore.
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Kajuntiger12111027 months
Who cares! People go for the event, not for beer
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wesman2127 months
This is what happens when you sell out and don't give a frick about freedom.
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DVinBR27 months
and you're not allowed to drink alcohol inside the slave built stadiums? why even go?
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Breauxsif27 months
What a fricking joke
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KAGTASTIC27 months
Nice timing on this announcement...once everything is non-refundable for travelers.
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SwampGar27 months
How can you even have the World Cup without beer drinking? Epic fail. FIFA is a disappointment to say the least.
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Rex Feral27 months
shite like this happens when FIFA sells out to the highest bidder. Serves them right.
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FatDawg27 months
you have a care meter?
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BillyTheKid27 months
I could care less about soccer but maybe they should think ahead about where they are hosting.
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Brummy27 months
They were thinking about all the cool stuff they could buy with that Qatari cash.
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Boudreaux Jones27 months
They did. Had a deal in place, then Qatar backed out last second. Still giving away booze in corporate suites. Tells you everything there.
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uscpuke27 months
If my care rating between 0-10 is a 5…I could care less. If I cared 0, I could not care less.
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