This is Poland's Marta Barczok, dubbed "Miss World Cup." She also jumps rope...
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(Barstool Sports)
Filed Under: Soccer
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panzer26 months
she's gonna wish she never had those implants when they start leaking and she gets autoimmune issues...
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gumbojambalaya26 months
you're a weirdo
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VolcanicTiger26 months
Her World Cups runneth over.
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HarryBalzack26 months
Always appreciated a woman who can skip rope.
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gameovergt26 months
She has 'other' pics out there. Enjoy
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cypresstiger26 months
Zgadzam sie
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JackieTreehorn26 months
She could definitely get my pole.
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BCLA26 months
You can't call yourself Miss World Cup and not even go to the tournament lol
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KAGTASTIC26 months
Ohhhh some sheik will catch that and fly her over soon enough....
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Dale326 months
She looks like fun.
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HeadSlash26 months
Seen better in the Quad
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SomeLSUguy26 months
I think I know why people like to watch her jump rope...
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Hat Tricks26 months
I want to know who the Iranian chick was yesterday.
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Captain Lafitte26 months
This one? LINK
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Would frick her in the arse too.
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drexyl26 months
Came for the boobs; left more impressed by the jump rope skills.
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Gamera26 months
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BowDownToLSU26 months
You might like her brother
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fierysnowman26 months
I think you’re just mad because you live with the knowledge that she is light years out of your league.
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WhoDatNC26 months
Thick thanks.
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AtlantaLSUfan26 months
Small implants and quadruple padded bras. Men are such fools. Me included.
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BlueRunner26 months
Terrible bra in the first photo. Bras should be smaller than the tits.
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PetroBabich26 months
God bless you
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