The Ibiza mansion belonging to soccer superstar Lionel Messi was trashed this week by climate change activists who proclaimed they wanted people to "eat the rich" following the act. The vandals hit the Argentinian's pad on Tuesday, spraying the walls of the multimillion-dollar home with red and black paint...
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(TMZ Sports)
Filed Under: Soccer
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cajunmud1 month
The planet will be here long after humans are gone.
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Tasseo1 month
At least they showed their faces.
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DVinBR1 month
Leftists are all mentally ill
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Saunson691 month
"Abolish the police" so dumb. Traffic cops, yes. Actual cops, no.
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Saunson691 month
Messi isn't even rich relative to others. Net worth is $0.65 bil. Zuck and Bezos are at $180 bil. That's 250x the amount. Of course he's rich compared to average person, but if they want to target the top, there are many others that are wealthier than he is.
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tketaco1 month
Onoz they spray painted stucco.
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atltiger64871 month
do these morons think this behavior actually helps their cause??? But, actually, their "cause" isn't climate change, it's Marxism.
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mule741 month
Great job guys. Messi won’t even make a phone call to clean this up. He’ll have someone else do it. By the time he gets there, all of this damage will be long gone, and he won’t even remember it happened.
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Play_Neck1 month
Shoot them.
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OJsLifeCoach1 month
and then don't call the police. Because they've been abolished thanks to these dipshits request.

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Ghost of Colby1 month
Eat the Rich. At least they are finally admitting it’s not about the climate.
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cajunmud1 month
At the heart of all lil commie minions is jealously and the commie bigwigs know how to exploit this.
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jjv00041 month
Abolish these people. All of the nutjob climate people. The climate is their god and they are absolutely lost. Start by putting these two in jail.
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jbird71 month
These people don’t give a shite about the climate. They’re anarchists, they just use climate change as a mask. These people should be fair game in every society to just beat the living shite out of, or run over.
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SuperOcean1 month
They accomplished their goal because after seeing this Messi apologized for working hard to refine his God given talents to be arguably the greatest soccer player of all time and thus command such high compensation and if had it to do all over again he would dedicate himself to being a life altering activist barista / hemp salesman ...
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Bige111 month
Help the planet
Eat the rich
Abolish the police

Keep voting for leftists and this is the future.
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LSUbacchus811 month
to the 2 morons that downvoted, what did he say that is wrong?
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lsusteve11 month
Find em and make examples of the filth
user avatar
Unlike LeBron, we actually have the footage of the people vandalizing the property.
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