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re: I find it amazing we don’t know who is the real Q

Posted on 12/8/21 at 11:13 pm to
Posted by 10thyrsr
Member since Oct 2020
447 posts
Posted on 12/8/21 at 11:13 pm to
You forgot the greatest proof. Telling us where Trump would meet the Korean dictator. The top of the hotel.
Posted by AUstar
Member since Dec 2012
17696 posts
Posted on 12/8/21 at 11:16 pm to

All the time when we knew every time Trump farted in public, yet we can't find the supposed underwear clad pimple faced kid in his mom's basement behind the movement?

Q was fake and was doing nothing illegal. Therefore, the authorities have no reason to go after him or name him. If he was real, they would prosecute for leaking state secrets. I am sure when the Q thing broke that the Feds probably looked into it to determine if they had a real leaker on their hands (a la Snowden). They likely determined it was all bullshite and moved on. Do they know who he is? I would suspect yes, but they can't name him because he broke no laws.
Posted by Tactical1
Denham Springs
Member since May 2010
27114 posts
Posted on 12/8/21 at 11:16 pm to
Except we already do.
Posted by DownHome
Below the Equator
Member since Jan 2012
10660 posts
Posted on 12/8/21 at 11:23 pm to

This thread was not started for true discussion because ya'll have nothing of substance. This thread is to make ya'll feel superior to others because you were once coddled and protected in a thread's subject you were duped in. It is the thread you miss, it is admins protecting you and ya'll downvoting all who did not buy into Q. Check your enlightened egos at the door and carry your BS where your compadres can high five you.

Anytime someone starts a thread about anything relavite to Q both of you appear and that is a fact. It matters nothing to me if you do. What gets tiresome the constant shiting on those people. Boosie has his own reasons and has been that way from the start, but you little lady was all up in that thread hard core. You showing up in these threads tells me you are being a hypocrite when you start the the belittling of of the folks that contributed to that thread. Don't know what happened that caused you to act that way, don't really care. Time for you to dump the sand out those panties and let it go.

I will say this, I did not request to be coddled in that thread nor did I RA anyone because I disagree with what they said. I could care less about anyone's approval about what I said or thought. You should do the same.

After all that I will leave it with this.


And that includes both you and boosie, because in the end that is all that really matters.
Posted by QboveTopSecret
Member since Feb 2018
3323 posts
Posted on 12/8/21 at 11:33 pm to

You won’t talk about the first two predictions

Sure, looks like early on someone knew Hillary was behind Russia Russia Russia.

The level of corruption was a surprise to everyone.
Posted by cajunangelle
Member since Oct 2012
150689 posts
Posted on 12/8/21 at 11:33 pm to

Obtuse is the definition of your argument here.

Sun Tzu. Until you address the strategy and methods of Suz Tzu, your replies are meaningless.

Hint: Like I'm gonna frickn tell you the gameplan during the game. You really are Dim.

The British had Hitler believing the invasion was happening at the Pas de Calais. That misinformation helped us win the war. There are many other sleights of hand during the war that also assisted the Allies. Duh.

You are like, "Hey Nazi's, we coming to Normandy on June 6th." Ok Sure. Tell them the true plans. What idiocy.

So trust all the wrong people. Hillary was never arrested. DECLAS was BS. Huber is done and that was a big Q promise. General Flynn has said Q was a CIA operation and was nonsense.

But most especially TRUSTING WRAY C'mon there is your sign.

So now you can't tell us a secret sun tzu operation because we are too dim to see it?

Q was Operation Trust a USSR tactic, even the gateway pundit had it up. So spill your secret plan because you got nothing. Nothing from nothing means nothing.

There have been July, Aug, Sept, November, JFK Jr arising dates. Any day now, Junior.

Posted by TigerNlc
Chocolate City
Member since Jun 2006
32712 posts
Posted on 12/8/21 at 11:50 pm to

CIA psyop.

First thing that I thought of.
Posted by supatigah
CEO of the Keith Hernandez Fan Club
Member since Mar 2004
88034 posts
Posted on 12/8/21 at 11:54 pm to

General Flynn has said Q was a CIA operation and was nonsense.

not exactly what he said

here is a nice MSM link for you

Flynn said QANON was a psy-op

I dont know what Q is or was, but the MSM setup and tear down of QANON was eye opening and it continues

for something so nebulous and fake, they sure made an effort to discredit it and demonize it

Posted by Oates Mustache
Member since Oct 2011
22883 posts
Posted on 12/8/21 at 11:59 pm to

Best thing Chicken ever did for y’all was delete that thread. So much quotable material lost forever.

Posted by Hater Bait
Tuscaloosa & Gulf Shores
Member since Nov 2012
2881 posts
Posted on 12/9/21 at 12:34 am to
Posted by cajunangelle
Member since Oct 2012
150689 posts
Posted on 12/9/21 at 12:52 am to

not exactly what he said

here is a nice MSM link for you

Flynn said QANON was a psy-op

I dont know what Q is or was, but the MSM setup and tear down of QANON was eye opening and it continues

for something so nebulous and fake, they sure made an effort to discredit it and demonize it

Here is an earlier podcast Flynn did saying Q was CIA nonsense and there is no plan.

Interview Mike Flynn on Feb 5, 2021

The Q versus Qanon is like someone not saying your first & middle name; so some how it is not the same person referenced. Flynn also goes on extensively in the interview about not trusting the plan. So that disproves any credence to the Q versus QAnon semantics.

Here is a transcript

At the outset of his podcast this Friday, host Doug Billings was excited to announce his guest, retired U.S. Army general and former national security adviser for the Trump administration, Michael Flynn. But he warned his audience that they shouldn’t be expecting some of their pre-conceived biases to be confirmed.

Now, the General is going to give you hope, Billings said before adding that some things Flynn will say may sound as if it’s a letdown, or not the news that you wanted to hear exactly.

The overall theme of the show centered around the alleged corrupt election system in the U.S., and Flynn spent a good portion of the first half advocating for citizens to not give up by refusing to participate in the election process. The show was not without the usual far-right slogans, but it was light on the mass voter fraud conspiracy theories that Flynn has boosted recently. Get involved if you want to see change, Flynn said.

At one point in the show, Billings told Flynn that he had some questions from the audience.

First of all, there is a lot of people out there who look to you for a sign of hope that things may continue as they were prior to Bidens election, Billings said before asking the first question: Did President Trump ever sign into action the Insurrection Act?

The question is in reference to a key part of the QAnon conspiracy theory that claims Trump will enact the Insurrection Act and begin mass arrests of deep state operatives and Satanic child traffickers.

No, Flynn replied. Nonsense.

Is the United States military running the country or is that nonsense as well? Billings asked Flynn.

More nonsense, Flynn replied.

Theres no plan, Flynn continued, presumably referring the common QAnon refrain, Trust the plan.

Theres so many people out there [who keep asking], Is the plan happening? Flynn said. We have what we have, and we have to accept the situation as it is.
The media constantly referred to Q and made fun of it and asked Trump about it because they wanted it and Trump tied to J6.

They created militia's and they couldn't pin all of the insurrection on the Oath Keepers, because Trump never had them show up at his rallies. Q was made world wide and big for this reason. The media in unison with the swamp associated Q & Trump.

Q was like a new Charlottesville for them but bigger. I do believe Q was 75% true, that is how counter intel psyops/Operation Trust USSR worked.

I would like to discuss the people that made money off of Q in the SuperPac but mostly little conventions that Sidney, Flynn, Byrne formed. Flynn said the pledge and the saying and then said it is nonsense, why?

The odds of Flynn doing a head fake (to protect something actually happening having to be hush hush- to take our country back) this late in the game seems nearly unattainable in thought.
Posted by Blitzed
Member since Oct 2009
21474 posts
Posted on 12/9/21 at 1:00 am to

Someone said this 2 years ago and you repeat it. 3 pages and none of the people protecting an anonymous letter of the alphabet has posted anything of substance.

The Q thread created a clique monster. Ya'll were coddled and acted like children and would send your mean girl banshee cliques in like high school to attack all not in the cult.

This thread was not started for true discussion because ya'll have nothing of substance. This thread is to make ya'll feel superior to others because you were once coddled and protected in a thread's subject you were duped in. It is the thread you miss, it is admins protecting you and ya'll downvoting all who did not buy into Q. Check your enlightened egos at the door and carry your BS where your compadres can high five you.

People were banned for not high fiving your egos before. High school is over. Our country is going to hell so man up and put on your big boy pants and act like an adult.

Man your upvote all Qtards online warrior battle stations you will save our country being an enlightened Qtard online I am sure.

How long are ya'll going to play this Q is real game? Flynn even said it's nonsense.

Everything about this post and your reaction screams High School.

It’s almost like any Q thread gives you some high school ptsd or something. Because you always compare it to high school.

How was your time in high school? What did those mean people do to you?
Posted by mjthe
Member since Oct 2020
6870 posts
Posted on 12/9/21 at 2:41 am to

Would you otherwise know anything about these? Without TD and that thread, most people would have no frickn clue

Not a reply to me, but - that is how I viewed the thread - which was much more than whatever "Q" was saying. It was a lot of public information gathered in one place and questions. I found it valuable

As someone more eloquent than I put it recently,

"it was one of the most theoretically speculative and extensive exploratory discussions I've ever witnessed on the Internet. From politics to religion, from metaphysics to science, from Empirical to the Spiritual, the comprehensive debate was so complex and abstract it became virtually indecipherable"

It wasn't a "Q" thread
This post was edited on 12/9/21 at 3:12 am
Posted by TenWheelsForJesus
Member since Jan 2018
7495 posts
Posted on 12/9/21 at 4:03 am to

Q was fake and was doing nothing illegal. Therefore, the authorities have no reason to go after him or name him.

Sure. That's why the FBI/DOJ raided Project Veritas, because they were breaking the law. The corrupt Stasi in DC would never try to silence someone not breaking the law.


Do they know who he is? I would suspect yes, but they can't name him because he broke no laws.

If it was someone they could make fun of to belittle the movement, they would have definitely named him. Your argument completely ignores the reality of the biased media and activist DOJ. The head of the FBI had no problem leaking classified documents to make Trump look bad. Do you really think they would hesitate to smear some average Joe running a larp?
Posted by TenWheelsForJesus
Member since Jan 2018
7495 posts
Posted on 12/9/21 at 4:24 am to

Our country is going to hell so man up and put on your big boy pants and act like an adult.

Then you should be happy that Q helped awaken so many people in regards to political corruption and media bias. But you'd rather belittle all the people whose eyes were opened to reality simply because the information was put out by Q. Do you really think driving a wedge through groups on the right is helping the cause?


Man your upvote all Qtards online warrior battle stations you will save our country being an enlightened Qtard online I am sure.

Keep giving the left ammunition and criticizing newfound members of the right that were not interested in politics before the Q social wave. That will definitely save our country.

Whether Q was real or not, you can't deny that it helped people to look beyond the mainstream to find accurate information. It encouraged people to do their own research and make their own decisions rather than be brainwashed sheep. Only a fool would actively attack such a thing.

It's like a jilted lover that is so full of hate that her relationship fell apart, that she can't admit her ex-husband is a good father and therefore does everything she can to smear him in the eyes of his children. Q may not be the figure the "Qtards" want him to be, but he certainly isn't the one you want to convince others he is either.
Posted by RCDfan1950
United States
Member since Feb 2007
35852 posts
Posted on 12/9/21 at 7:55 am to

Probably the longest thread ever.

That Thread was subtitled "TOE"; Thread of Everything. And that is what it was. Phenomenal exercise in Human imagination. Sad that the Left (Evil?) threated those who contributed, to the point wherein the Thread (arguments and critiques) had to be removed for the safety of those involved. Definitive re the 'Censors'; "By their fruits ye will know them". Some..."can't handle the Truth".

The essential narrative/basis for the whole 'Q' thing was that there is a battle raging for the control and Soul of Humanity..."white hats v black hats". Evil/Satan v Good/God.

People can jaw forever and muddy the ("conspiracy theory") water of just what is going on re Humanity's belief and action...but in final and definitive (ultimately Subjective, IMO) Reality...either God exists as the Spiritual basis for Matter and Energy...or there is no 'spirit' other than that petty consciousness which temporally manifests from the Darwinian evolutionary process birthed by feelingless/loveless Matter and Energy. If it's the latter, nothing really matters...and Humanity's 'feelings' (I.e., the by product of Feeling/Love) is purposeless folly and little more than another ruthless and short-lived predator/prey moving toward its ultimate rendezvous with eternal darkness.

The pertinent question is not "who" Q is, but whether the Idea of the which Q posited - such being God vs. Evil - is true, or false. If God exist, then Q is right. And therefore, Evil exists and will be so deceitful that most will not be able to imagine it's power, much less discern its effects, toward Humanity's destiny.

Bottom line: Don't matter "who" Q is. Q was/is an Idea. Good/Loving God vs. Evil/Love's Opposite. That ain't going away; it's here for the duration as long as there is some perceiving Entity to imagine and validate it. And if a said, limited/imperfect, 'created' Entity exists - 'outside' of the Total Entity (God)...then so will Evil and the "wailing and gnashing of teeth" therein. (IMO).
Posted by ShinerHorns
El Paso
Member since Jul 2021
4575 posts
Posted on 12/9/21 at 7:58 am to
You don’t need to know who Q is. Just know that Q is working behind the scenes to save this country. That’s enough
Posted by VoxDawg
Glory, Glory
Member since Sep 2012
64099 posts
Posted on 12/9/21 at 7:59 am to

Watch Q into the storm on HBO max, they pretty much know who it is. Ron Watkins, guy who ran 8chan.

Did you stay at a Holiday Inn Express last night, too?
Posted by VoxDawg
Glory, Glory
Member since Sep 2012
64099 posts
Posted on 12/9/21 at 7:59 am to

I don’t know if it started that way but Q is a fed op now

Considering that Q hasn't posted in 366 days, how exactly do you figure?
Posted by VoxDawg
Glory, Glory
Member since Sep 2012
64099 posts
Posted on 12/9/21 at 8:03 am to

Flynn even said it's nonsense.

Flynn is right. 'Qanon' is by all indications some fed op/honeypot.
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