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re: Big change in Rasmussen polling overnight.
Posted on 9/4/24 at 8:02 pm to RedHog260
Posted on 9/4/24 at 8:02 pm to RedHog260
So a known whore, dingbat and communist with a known Chinese operative for her VP has a chance and you are all for it?
What? I am voting for Trump, and nothing in my post can be interpreted as any sort of support for Harris.
Posted on 9/4/24 at 8:02 pm to Penrod
Trump is more popular than any president in American history. The only way the election is even remotely close is if it’s rigged by the commies. Outside of that, Trump WILL win in a historic landslide.
It's remarkable that someone actually believes this.
It's remarkable that there are morons that think otherwise. How can you support a bitch that sucked her way into the California AG office, is a dingbat, her father a Marxist, her VP a known Chinese asset.
Posted on 9/4/24 at 8:03 pm to Indefatigable
What? I am voting for Trump, and nothing in my post can be interpreted as any sort of support for Harris
Read your post airhead.
Posted on 9/4/24 at 8:04 pm to RedHog260
So everyone’s been saying, don’t listen to the polls, but we should view this as gospel? ABC had one this morning showed Harris up by five
Posted on 9/4/24 at 8:06 pm to dallastiger55
So everyone’s been saying, don’t listen to the polls, but we should view this as gospel? ABC had one this morning showed Harris up by five
So you don't know that most if not all the non cable news organizations are Government propaganda outlets? If you do why give then any credibility. ABC is just laying groundwork for another steal.
Posted on 9/4/24 at 8:07 pm to loogaroo
Trump will never sniff the White House again. Guaranteed.
Posted on 9/4/24 at 8:07 pm to RedHog260
Read your post airhead.
I said the election would be close, because it will be close.
Posted on 9/4/24 at 8:18 pm to RedHog260
Support a bitch? I never implied that. We are discussing whether Trump is the most popular President of all time. He's run twice and lost the popular vote both times to shite candidates.
Just in my lifetime Reagan won 59% of the vote and 49 states.
Just in my lifetime Reagan won 59% of the vote and 49 states.
Posted on 9/4/24 at 8:22 pm to VOR
Trump will never sniff the White House again. Guaranteed.
lets bet money or u can shut your dick sucker clown
how much?
1k? 5k?
bunk moreland can hold the money.
man up
Posted on 9/4/24 at 8:25 pm to Fat Bastard
How do people honestly call Rassmussen independent?
Their ownTwitter account is nothing but anti Biden and Harris.
That’s like MSNBC saying their pool is independent
Their ownTwitter account is nothing but anti Biden and Harris.
That’s like MSNBC saying their pool is independent
Posted on 9/4/24 at 8:30 pm to Penrod
Yes a bitch. You would vote for Vlad the impaler if he ran as a dumrat.
Posted on 9/4/24 at 8:32 pm to dallastiger55
So they are smarter than the average leftard! Outstanding!
Posted on 9/4/24 at 8:32 pm to ShinerHorns
Trump is more popular than any president in American history. The only way the election is even remotely close is if it’s rigged by the commies. Outside of that, Trump WILL win in a historic landslide.
If you know any kind of history you know that is false. His highest favorability was during the COVID lockdown at 49%. It dropped by 10 pts to 39% after things started opening back up. It was 43.1% in January and is 43.5% now. Trump left office with a 34% approval rating. Trump had the lowest average approval rating at 41%, Biden’s will probably be lower.
Highest approval rating
HW Bush-89%
Bush W-90%
This post was edited on 9/4/24 at 8:40 pm
Posted on 9/4/24 at 8:40 pm to N.O. via West-Cal
So you are chained to a nuthouse wall foaming at the mouth and overdosed on TDS. Trump is certainly more popular than Biden and Kamala didn't even have to campaign for the primary. Even a total moron should be able to see through that.
Posted on 9/4/24 at 9:12 pm to VOR
Trump will never sniff the White House again. Guaranteed.
lets bet money or u can shut your dick sucker clown
how much?
1k? 5k?
bunk moreland can hold the money.
man up
still waiting pussy.
Trump will never sniff the White House again. Guaranteed.
lets bet money or u can shut your dick sucker clown
how much?
1k? 5k?
bunk moreland can hold the money.
man up
still waiting pussy.
Posted on 9/4/24 at 9:24 pm to TDsngumbo
Big change in Rasmussen polling overnight.
If Trump really is leading by that much nationally, this is a landslide.
If it's a landslide, I hope the Right is quick and swift with selling it as a mandate to deport deport deport
Posted on 9/4/24 at 9:40 pm to GumboPot
From this poll more info can be taken from the 5 day moving averages. At least that involves a good size sample of approximately 1800.
Pretty sure even Mitchell himself says this
But like I said in the thread about this from yesterday... I don't like the daily, small sample push polls... I'll wait for the weekly Thursday big poll they do
Posted on 9/5/24 at 6:29 am to samson73103
Does half the country really want communism?
yes, especially the younger women, they think communism= free stuff for ALL, and lots of free stuff.
Posted on 9/5/24 at 6:30 am to VOR
Trump will never sniff the White House again. Guaranteed.
We're waiting on your bet. Oh yeah, you don't have even 1k in your bank account
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