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[quote]Yes, parties choose their candidates. Anyway they want.[/quote] That’s exactly what the OP is saying. There is a stark difference in how each party views democracy....
[quote]oops yes, you're correct.[/quote] It’s easy to get confused through the years of the democrats trying to take Trump out and failing miserably. They’ve tried hundreds of methods....
He’s standing about a foot and a half close to the camera...
[quote]No im more right wing than you or probably anyone you know it’s Trump that isn’t and you refuse to see that[/quote] Holy shite! You need to go back and find all of your grade school English teachers, and punch them in the face for fricking you over so bad....
[quote]What’s that ?[/quote] What are you getting? Fifty cents a post? You don't come across as one of the high-quality ones. How long have you been living with your mommy?...
[quote]Larryboybarese8[/quote] someone left the Reddit barn door open again....
[quote]bawco[/quote] [quote]12 posts[/quote] [img]https://media0.giphy.com/media/MnWbFsmlpcBKU/200w.gif?cid=6c09b952o0gtcu9ealvkkamonc20g61fxgx38hmyn5jknusc&ep=v1_gifs_search&rid=200w.gif&ct=g[/img] [img]https://media.tenor.com/pUitpM8IiK0AAAAM/will-ferrell-what-a-loser.gif[/img] ...
I already assumed this. Kemp is complicit too.. Raff is his boy...
This is a pretty hilarious COPE ...
The moment public shaming went away. The moment we stopped making fun of fat people all the time. The moment where kids were mostly fed by the government and not their parents. It goes and goes....
[quote] Wow. I didn't know how in depth the democrats went to bring this up 3 years later.[/quote] That..... And it isn't AT ALL what he said on Tucker. :lol:...

re: Obama doesn’t think Harris can win

Posted by Gifman on 7/26/24 at 10:56 am
[quote]Just bullshite from a Murdoch publication.[/quote] The Murdoch's are mostly democrats :lol:...
[quote]Youngkin. [/quote] I thought this was a smarter pick, but still like Vance...

re: Why do people watch THE VIEW?

Posted by Gifman on 7/26/24 at 10:54 am
They're already day drunk and on xanax...
Tulsi has been an independent from democrat for like 5 seconds. I'm not really sure about her political convictions...
ask it "which ethnic group commits the most crime?" and watch it squirm... it's hilarious. :lol:...
They should avoid Elon. If they slip up once, he can afford a hundred lawyers to sue the hell out of them, and from what I've seen, he'd do it purely out of spite....

re: Post Joe Drop Out Polls

Posted by Gifman on 7/26/24 at 10:12 am
Trump will win Florida by 10 points+...