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Registered on:1/3/2019
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[quote]Mark Kelly[/quote] This guy using his gunshot-victim wife as a springboard for his political career is disgusting. [quote]Y'all shouldn't have pushed Joe out. [/quote] Your party did that. And not even because he’s cognitively impaired and no longer capable of the job. You did it becau...
[quote]How about removing judges that are overturned 15% or more because they obviously don't know the law.[/quote] Louisiana district courts would be entirely vacant if this were the standard :lol:...
[quote]Anytime an elected official who swears to uphold the constitution does not, that official can be quickly removed for signing into law an unconstitutional act.[/quote] The removal process already exists in both houses of congress. Also, you understand that in order for a law to be uncons...
[quote]I'm def rooting against us[/quote] Because you don’t like the uniformed/ignorant political opinions of the league our players play in? Very strange to me. It’s the Olympics. It’s ok to not let politics drive everything in life. :USA: ...
Hungary has the most unique language and one of the most distinct cultures in Europe. I don’t blame them one bit for wanting to retain it. ...
[quote]My family heritage is France and no body on the program looks like me.[/quote] Paris alone doesn’t represent the demographics of France any more than NYC or LA represent the United States. ...
[quote]robots that can cook and clean and don't complain[/quote] I’m married and would gladly purchase such a robot ...
[quote]i am not talking sexually. i am talking politically. get your head out the gutter[/quote] I know, fool. It was just a joke. He can speak for himself if I’m off base, but I don’t read him to be a lunatic prog at all. ...
[quote]The original 1992 DREAM TEAM would beat this team so badly. It wouldn't be a competitive game at all. [/quote] The 08 team would beat the brakes off them too. That doesn’t mean that this team isn’t still the best team in the tournament. Though the European teams are catching up quick...
All due respect to Mickey, who I respect as a poster, I don’t think women excite him generally. :lol:...
They’re going to win the gold medal FWIW...
[quote]If Israel is their promised land why can’t they all go live there [/quote] The typical American Jew isn’t religious and doesn’t give a frick about Israel. ...
[quote]Olympic opening river parade has nothing to do with sports[/quote] It’s the opening ceremony. When does it ever have anything to do with the individual sports?...
I’ll go with a modified 2. He clearly had a political objective. ...
[quote]California doesn’t even pretend to vote. as soon as the polls close they declare the Democrat the winner. Like that very second.[/quote] This applies to like 30 states on both sides of the aisles. California isn’t competitive. Neither is West Virginia or many other red states It’s also ...
[quote]She wont even win CA[/quote] :lol: :lol: Never change. ...
[quote]That’s an interesting way to describe doing the bidding of Lucifer[/quote] Huh? All I was saying is that Israel is going to do what they want for the most part. ...
[quote]It is how they have operated for thousands of years. The USA could learn from it since we have a history of less than 249 years.[/quote] Israel is 80 years old and didn’t have a relevant political entity for more than a millennia before that. ...