Favorite team:Missouri 
Location:some where
Number of Posts:28283
Registered on:9/7/2012
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Yes And have had them contact me directly via dm to help. imost of tame I tell them to go frick themselves and make sure they trend a little ...

re: Georgia Gets Super Senior Transfer!

Posted by SeeeeK on 7/26/24 at 1:24 pm
Nah, no saban to run urban off. You could see the smoke coming from Urbans dress shoes when saban came to sec. He was skeered...

re: Mizzou does belong in the SEC imo

Posted by SeeeeK on 7/26/24 at 12:58 pm
Yep, the liberal morons in stl and kc are an embarrassment. To the rest of the state....

re: Alexi Lalas

Posted by SeeeeK on 7/26/24 at 12:36 pm
Inter Miami would be fighting for relegation in the epl. They would be close to top in goals and all by themselves in goals against. ...
europe is lost, they bringing in 10-20 million more muslim africans and other derelicts....
[quote]Not funny at all, and really rich from a party running an unelectable already-beaten old felon and his snorefest-inducing hillbilly sidekick.[/quote] cry more bitch...
They are retards A truck isn't worth 40k, let alone. 70k...

re: Burn that shite! Burn that shite!

Posted by SeeeeK on 7/24/24 at 3:12 pm
White libs, absolutely useless...
Makes sense for them, their parade that day is a major deal for them. Keeping bowl day of parade is big for them. I get it...
lol at EA guy creates a team in florida, and they play their home games in Alabama, lol ...
[quote]LINK[/quote] wonder if te was supposed to chip? but instead became a blocker for defense and took tackle out. you all knew this would be an EA game, they along with bethesda put the bugs in bugged games. ...
the roughing the kicker bug is really bad especially in sim mode, when you come out to watch the kick, your guy runs by holder and kicker, ball goes thru him and its roughing....
she is even more unlikable, but democrats are simple minded tools, they will goose step the party line she os one of worst vice presidents ever, she is beyond incompetent ...