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Binge watched Star Wars Clone Wars, Rebels, and episodes 2&3 for the first time

Posted on 1/17/21 at 6:56 pm
Posted by Blizzard of Chizz
Member since Apr 2012
19327 posts
Posted on 1/17/21 at 6:56 pm
I took the board's advice after The Mandalorian and checked them out. I must say, TCW and Rebels were fantastic, while EP 2 and 3 were mediocre at best. Granted they were long running animated series with the ability to flesh out storylines, but the characters and details they provided to the Star Wars universe were great. IMO Ahsoka Tano is perhaps one of the best characters ever introduced. Not only is she a badass, but she provides Anikan with much needed balance to his character. Anikan himself is actually very likable in the series. Perhaps too likable though because his transformation at the end of the series is really hard to grasp. You're left wondering what happened to him that caused him to be consumed by the dark side.

Where Ep 2 and 3 fail miserably, is that Anikan is not likable at all. He's a arrogant douche from the beginning. He's a know it all dickhead, and for the life of me I can't understand how Kenobi ignored those traits and continued to train him. I found myself not giving a shite when Dooku chopped his arm off nor caring Obi Wan diced him up and left him in flames. In a weird way, I felt more empathy for Vader in 4, 5 and 6 than I did Anikan Skywalker. Also, there is absolutely zero passion or chemistry between Anikan and Padme despite the fact that it is an integral part of the story line.

Posted by tWildcat
Verona, KY
Member since Oct 2014
19667 posts
Posted on 1/17/21 at 6:59 pm to
The end of the Clone Wars was so so good. Final 3 episodes were great but I loved the entire series.
Posted by GreenRockTiger
vortex to the whirlpool of despair
Member since Jun 2020
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Posted on 1/17/21 at 7:03 pm to
My kids just started clone wars again for the 4th time tonight - lol

We watched episode 1 yesterday - they might’ve watched 2 while I was cooking
Posted by Blizzard of Chizz
Member since Apr 2012
19327 posts
Posted on 1/17/21 at 7:10 pm to
I agree. The Clone Wars was great. I didn't intend to binge watch all of these series, but once I started TCW I couldn't stop
Posted by StealthCalais11
Lurker since 2007
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Posted on 1/17/21 at 7:51 pm to
The final four episodes are basically a movie.
Posted by JumpingTheShark
Member since Nov 2012
23405 posts
Posted on 1/17/21 at 8:59 pm to
The big frick up in Star Wars history was George Lucas ever making Anakin a whiny brat in the first place. We were supposed to think Anakin was as great a Jedi Knight there ever was and in all the movies he’s a little a-hole. Cant fathom why they did that. It left shows like clone wars etc doing the work George should have done in prequels.
This post was edited on 1/17/21 at 9:00 pm
Posted by Blizzard of Chizz
Member since Apr 2012
19327 posts
Posted on 1/17/21 at 11:20 pm to

The big frick up in Star Wars history was George Lucas ever making Anakin a whiny brat in the first place. We were supposed to think Anakin was as great a Jedi Knight there ever was and in all the movies he’s a little a-hole. Cant fathom why they did that. It left shows like clone wars etc doing the work George should have done in prequels

Nailed it! The Darth Vader we see in ep. 4 5 and 6 is infinity more likable than Anakin in any of the prequels. He’s a tragic character that you are told was once this incredible warrior before he succumbed to the dark side. Lucas should have built Anakin into a beloved character in the prequels. Instead he’s just a whiney bitch who constantly complains that other Jedis are jealous of his abilities or he’s so arrogant that he constantly reminds people that he’s going to be the most powerful Jedi ever. Hell, if you just go by the prequels, he’s untrainable. What was the Jedi counsel thinking sending someone of his abilities and flawed temperament to spy on Palpatine? You’d think someone on the counsel would recognize the incredible dangers of a Jedi with incredible abilities and anger issues.
Posted by skrayper
21-0 Asterisk Drive
Member since Nov 2012
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Posted on 1/18/21 at 6:08 am to

The final four episodes are basically a movie.

It’d be the 3rd best movie in the franchise, IMHO
Posted by TheTideMustRoll
Birmingham, AL
Member since Dec 2009
9017 posts
Posted on 1/18/21 at 6:44 am to
In my opinion their failure with Anakin was in the "whiny" part, not the "a-hole" part. In fact I didn't feel like they made Anakin enough of an a-hole. I've said it before and I'll say it again - Anakin should have been a character in the same mold as Dacre Montgomery's Billy from Stranger Things. He should have been a bold, cocky, arrogant son of a bitch who was stronger and more capable than everyone else and who knew he was stronger and more capable than everyone else and who could fix all the problems in the galaxy if everyone else would just get the hell out of his way with all their "rules" and "traditions" and shite. The main contrast between Anakin's character arc in the prequels and Luke's in the OT should have been that while they were both too old to begin Jedi training, Luke was humble enough to let go of everything he had learned on his own and let Yoda re-teach him things he thought he already knew, while Anakin was far too sure of himself to ever do that. Anakin's turn to the Sith should not have been because of some bad dream or any such foolishness, it should have been because Palpatine played into Anakin's weaknesses by more or less telling him, "Hey, the feelings you have are right. You are, truly, the Chosen One. You and you alone can solve all of these seemingly insurmountable problems, but only by overpowering those who can't see that you are the galaxy's only hope and forcing them to get out of your way. It's for their own good, after all." The tragedy at the end would be when Anakin finally achieved what he wanted, finally proved how much stronger he was than everyone else, he finds that instead of fixing everything and making everyone happy, he has instead destroyed the Jedi Order, killed or alienated the only friends he had ever had, helped bring down the Senate and the Republic, and killed the only person he had ever truly loved, along with the unborn children of theirs she was carrying (or so he thought). That would make the Darth Vader we see in the OT a much more sympathetic character - even despite all the harm he has done, he is still following the same empty dream of solving the galaxy's problems through strength and power, because although deep down he knows he made the wrong choice, he is far too arrogant and self-assured to admit that to himself.

Edited to clarify the last sentence.
This post was edited on 1/18/21 at 8:30 am
Posted by Blizzard of Chizz
Member since Apr 2012
19327 posts
Posted on 1/18/21 at 9:22 am to
The more I think about, the more I realize what a mess they made with the story line. Anakin has a dream about his mom, runs to the rescue and then goes on a murderous rage? Ok, except for the fact he’s had zero contact with her for years. He didn’t know she was married or even had a step brother. So neither mom or son ever reach out to catch up?? I guess they try to explain it away with Jedi code and no emotional attachments, but that just strips the Jedi of their humanity... Order 66 is also ridiculous. The entire clone army turns on the Jedi when someone outside the chain of command pops up and gives the order?? That’s absurd. That means anyone could give that order...Also going back to ep. 4 Obi Wan says Vader(Anakin) hunted down and killed the Jedi, but that never happened. The clones killed the Jedi. Anakin didn’t hunt anyone down. He simply strolled into the Jedi temple and murdered a bunch of kids.

Did George Lucas even bother watching the first 3 films before he sat down and wrote the prequels? It doesn’t look like he did.
Posted by WPBTiger
Parts Unknown
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Posted on 1/18/21 at 9:25 am to
I just started TCW, enjoying it so far.
Posted by USEyourCURDS
Member since Apr 2016
12277 posts
Posted on 1/18/21 at 10:13 am to

Order 66 is also ridiculous. The entire clone army turns on the Jedi when someone outside the chain of command pops up and gives the order?? That’s absurd. That means anyone could give that order...Also going back to ep. 4 Obi Wan says Vader(Anakin) hunted down and killed the Jedi, but that never happened. The clones killed the Jedi.

Did you watch the clone wars?


Order 66 was implanted into the clones' brains as fetuses. They explain how one of the clone's implants prematurely activates and when a jedi, clone and robot figure it out they are silenced for it.
This post was edited on 1/18/21 at 10:17 am
Posted by Roll Tide Ravens
Birmingham, AL
Member since Nov 2015
44621 posts
Posted on 1/18/21 at 10:29 am to
The Clone Wars and Rebels are fantastic. TCW gives so much more depth to Anakin as a character, and helps to make him look like the great Jedi he was supposed to be. I love when Rex talks about him in season 2 of Rebels and how great of a general Anakin was.

I generally like Episode 3, but agree that the movies did not develop Anakin enough or show him as truly being the great Jedi that he was supposed to be.
This post was edited on 1/18/21 at 10:30 am
Posted by Roll Tide Ravens
Birmingham, AL
Member since Nov 2015
44621 posts
Posted on 1/18/21 at 10:40 am to

Order 66 is also ridiculous. The entire clone army turns on the Jedi when someone outside the chain of command pops up and gives the order?? That’s absurd. That means anyone could give that order

The Clone Wars deals with this specifically. An inhibitor chip was implanted in the brains of all clones when they were in the fetal stage. There are a few episodes in season 6 I believe that deal with one of the clones having his chip activate without being given the order. Palpatine and Dooku try to deal with the situation, while another clone ("Fives") realizes there is a conspiracy when it comes to these chips and he tries to expose it.

Also going back to ep. 4 Obi Wan says Vader(Anakin) hunted down and killed the Jedi, but that never happened. The clones killed the Jedi. Anakin didn’t hunt anyone down. He simply strolled into the Jedi temple and murdered a bunch of kids.

Not all Jedi died in Order 66. There were 10,000+ Jedi living at the time of Order 66 according to Rebels. After Order 66, it was Darth Vader's job to hunt down remaining Jedi, as he was basically the Emperor's fist. In Rebels he uses the Inquisitorius to hunt them down. **SPOILER** When Kanaan is captured in Rebels, he is about to be taken to Mustafar which he had called "the place Jedi go to die." That is where Darth Vader's palace was, and where he tortured and killed Jedi he or the Inquisitors captured.

Also, Episode 3 failed to really show it, but I think Anakin/Vader killed a lot more Jedi in the Temple during Order 66 than the movie shows. We get a hint of it when Obi-Wan looks at the security recordings when he and Yoda return to the Temple.
This post was edited on 1/18/21 at 10:45 am
Posted by 1BamaRTR
In Your Head Blvd
Member since Apr 2015
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Posted on 1/18/21 at 11:00 am to

Also, Episode 3 failed to really show it, but I think Anakin/Vader killed a lot more Jedi in the Temple during Order 66 than the movie shows. We get a hint of it when Obi-Wan looks at the security recordings when he and Yoda return to the Temple.

The comics show him fighting numerous Jedi masters without help from the clones and slaughtering them all with ease
Posted by Blizzard of Chizz
Member since Apr 2012
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Posted on 1/18/21 at 12:26 pm to

Did you watch the clone wars?

I did and you’re right, it does deal with it specifically. I guess the point I was trying to make was that TCW had to deal with it because the way the movie dealt with it was ridiculous. The animated series had to go back and fix the messes that the prequels made.. I’d also argue that there wasn’t much they could do to solve the issue in the clone wars though. Throughout the entire series, the troopers had their own individual personalities and names, but essentially had to be turned into mindless clones at the end who blindly followed order 66 because of the way TRoS ended.
Posted by Roll Tide Ravens
Birmingham, AL
Member since Nov 2015
44621 posts
Posted on 1/18/21 at 12:45 pm to
One of my favorite scenes in the final few episodes of The Clone Wars is when Ahsoka frees Maul right after Order 66 in order to cause a diversion for herself. When she tells him that the clones turned on her, Maul realizes at the moment the full scope of what Darth Sidious' plan was and says "Brilliant. Brilliant." with extreme respect for Sidious' plan and its execution. Maul was the only one who could recognize that they were all pawns in Sidious' game.
This post was edited on 1/18/21 at 12:48 pm
Posted by Blizzard of Chizz
Member since Apr 2012
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Posted on 1/18/21 at 1:49 pm to
Speaking of Ashoka, don’t forget the scene where Ezra has changed her fate and they are both racing to escape Sidious. He tells her to come find him when she gets out. At the end of Rebels both she and Sabine are setting off to find him. When we see her again, it’s in the Mandalorian and she’s alone. Surely she didn’t give up and quit looking, so I’m thinking that potentially opens the door to revealing that they did eventually find Ezra.
Posted by skrayper
21-0 Asterisk Drive
Member since Nov 2012
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Posted on 1/18/21 at 1:57 pm to

Surely she didn’t give up and quit looking, so I’m thinking that potentially opens the door to revealing that they did eventually find Ezra.


So she asks the woman she fights for information on the location of Grand Admiral Thrawn; this is the guy who Ezra disappears with at the end of Rebels. So she's still searching for him. If I were to guess, they either:
A.) Didn't want to introduce Sabine because they were already bringing in Ahsoka, Luke, Boba Fett and Bo-Katan and were already approaching overload.
B.) Had not found someone who looked and acted the part yet
C.) Just wanted to leave her introduction for the Ahsoka series
Posted by composerdave
Los Angeles
Member since Dec 2019
111 posts
Posted on 1/18/21 at 2:00 pm to

When we see her again, it’s in the Mandalorian and she’s alone. Surely she didn’t give up and quit looking,

Remember in Mando she is looking for Thrawn. If she finds Thrawn, she likely finds Ezra.

The question is... do the events in Mando take place before the epilogue of Rebels? The answer is uncertain. Dave Filoni has been cagey answering that question. He has said it is possible the events of Mando take place before the epilogue in Rebels but would only say it is "possible".

Personally, and I really have no idea, I think we will find out that the events of Mando took place just before Ahsoka meets up with Sabine at the end of Rebels.

I just hope I get to work on the upcoming Ahsoka show. Easily my favorite character since the OT.
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